should’ve set a stop loss buddy
I am experiencing this as well.
If anyone else remembers, Roblox in April 2024 made a terrible algorithm change around the time they introduced Today’s Picks, that resulted in tons of games losing a large part of their playerbase and more low-quality games started to be promoted at this time, to the point the recommended tab was promoting games with 30% like ratios. This was explained in a related thread Roblox’s Algorithm Changes Are Killing Our Game - #353 by FutureWebsiteOwner. This effect has slowly reversed itself over time automatically, but I have felt since 2024, Roblox has been messing around with the algorithm. I remember especially last year we had weeks with unexplained drop in CCU, that would later increase in one week, then drop again. I don’t know why Roblox is doing these frequent algorithm tests, it’s like they don’t realize they are effectively killing games. The ones that recovered over time are lucky, others won’t be so lucky. I did not see such changes in 2022 and 2023.
Just an update on this. I have no idea what just happened but my game spiked to 1,000 players for about an hour (which is around the same amount of players as it usually has around this time) and then crashed back down. It’s pretty clear something is very wrong with the algorithm right now.
**EDIT: ** Turns out this also happened to all the other games that I know were affected by this unexplained drop.
Not sure if this is natural or not, but one of the games under my wing also happened to lose 50% of impressions over the last few days.
It’s a little scary that Roblox hasn’t addressed this issue yet. Makes me wonder if it’s a deliberate change to how the Home recommendations algorithm works. If it were a weekend, it would explain why, but it’s mid-week and it seems most games still haven’t fully recovered.
when has roblox ever cared about any developers besides the top 50? it’s probably deliberate
I’d say it somewhat effects the top 50 developers too. Surely they’d see an (albeit very little) drop. Not only that, but it would definitely concern any future top 50 developers.
Same thing happening here. For me the ccu drop more or less coincided with the roblox outage yesterday, but never really recovered back to normal ccu (compared to same day last week) even after the outage. Today I got a huge one hour spike after which the ccu crashed back down again.
Same for me. What on earth(walking dead game) If roblox nerver gives us a response this would literally be criminal IDK what on earth bruh
heres data for my friends game planet tycoon:
Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.
Relating to @FP_Nation, I had some what of the opposite effect with random large spikes resulting in more players throughout this week. With recent random increases and dips. Honestly this is the most inconsistent I’ve ever seen it
i’ve noticed the same thing with my game, but this might’ve got resolved as I just jumped from 750 ccu to 1750 ccu
give it an hour or so, it might go back down, i’ve had this happening all day
This issue seems to be fixed for most games, but some games are still severely affected