Humanoid description does not work in the client

I’ve read that humanoid descriptions can be used on the client and I want to use it to apply the character’s appearance on a dummy. However, it doesn’t seem to work with my local script in the StarterGui as the error ‘Humanoid:ApplyDescription() can only be called by the backend server’ still pops up in the output. Help and feedback are greatly appreciated!

Here is my code:

-- Assuming every local player variable has been declared

local playerModel = model:WaitForChild("Player") -- Dummy in workspace, parented to model
local playerModelHumanoid = playermodel:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local playerHumanoidDescription = localHumanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
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The new feature info said “for locally created Humanoids”–Did you make a Clone first?
Not sure if it fits in with the current security setup though.


Thank you! I didn’t know that made a difference. (and I didn’t fully look into the new feature hehe)

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