Hygiene | Public Handbook

:wave: | Welcome to Hygiene!

:question: | WHAT IS HYGIENE?

Hygiene is one of ROBLOX’s largest dentists and is the best place to spend time with friends, get your teeth cleaned, or just hang out! Hygiene Dentist offers a bewildering experience when visiting and interacting with our staff. Our staff members are dedicated to making sure that you have an enjoyable and unforgettable experience.

:link: | LINKS

Procedures Guide

:clipboard: | TABLE OF CONTENTS

Alliance Information

Would you like to ally with Hygiene? Amazing, we are always on the lookout for new affiliates. Please look over the requirements below to ensure you meet them, before submitting an application.


  • 20,000, non-botted members
  • 700 members in community server
  • 10+ concurrent players in-game
  • Good reputation within Roblox
  • Professional staff

Requirements are subject to change without notice.

If you are still interested in an alliance, please join our communications server and open a ticket.

Department Information

Staff Management Department

The Human Resources Department is responsible for staff management at the Dentist and trainings. They also are responsible for conducting internal investigations.

Public Relations Department

The Public Relations Department is responsible for community events, alliances, managing our social medias, and engaging our community. They are also responsible for keeping our community up-to-date with changes.

Our Dental Services
  • Cleanings
  • Checkups
  • Scaling
  • Dental Emergencies
  • Wisdom Teeth
  • Fillings
  • Dental Sealants
  • Dentures
  • Extractions
  • Gum Surgery
  • Whitening
  • Bonding
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How do I work here?
    You can work here by joining the group and heading to our application center, from there if you pass you need to attend a training to rank up.

  2. Can I get admin?
    You gain Admin privileges once you achieve the rank of Supervisor. These are solely used
    for the moderation of the game, they are not to be played around with or used for personal benefit.

  3. How can I redeem my rank I just donated for?
    Head to the rank donation center.

Training Schedule

12 AM ET, 9 PM PST, 5 AM BST, 4 AM UTC
8 AM ET, 5 AM PST, 1 PM BST, 12 PM UTC
12 PM ET, 9 AM PST, 5 PM BST, 4 PM UTC
8 PM ET, 5 PM PST, 1 AM BST, 12 AM UTC

Training servers unlock 10 minutes before the training starts. You can join here.

Any questions you may have can be directed to one of our Corporates via a ticket on our communications server.