I am new to Roblox Lua

Hey there!

My nickname is PikaGodly…

Basically I am new to Roblox scripting.(I do know how to use Roblox Studio and building basics, thanks to this forum)
But I don’t know how to script, that is why I asked you guys for some resources and advices.
(This is my first post :smile:)

Thanks, PikaGodly.

(Already solved, but feel free to leave a suggestion)

for a really helpfull resources.
For a roadmap
For giving me some really helpfull addvices
For another suggestions (Very helpfull)
For another great resources
for a great books to buy on amazon.
For giving me an idea for credits.
For giving me personal advice.
For a playlist of AlvinBlox’s How to code series
For telling me about AlvinBlox and TheDevKing
For a link to a Dev Forum results of Lua Scripting.
For a link to TheDevKing’s beginner toturial.
Telling me that he learned alot from youtube and roblox.

Keep in mind, that I may have left some of the people outside of credits, since I added them inside of credits who helped me/someone.

And also keep in mind, that I might not be able to learn form all of resources!

Anyways That’s it.


Just use the search bar


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Well, for the basics lots of people like alvinblox or devking so if you want to start😀


First off, I’ll recommend learning the basics, such as variables, functions, events and properties. AlvinBlox’s starter tutorials is a great place for a beginner like you to check out!

After you’ve learned some basics, it is important that you can the Roblox API and how it works. You can find the API documentation here:

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Thank you very much! i’ll make sure to check them out!


Here is how it worked out for most of us:

First of all, DO NOT ask or wonder how much time it takes, it’s a slow process and you’ll get used to it, because even experts and professionals learn something new everyday, it’s just a never-ending learning experience.

If you want to watch a youtuber for a basic understanding of how most stuff works or for the basics thats on you, but I highly recommend checking the API for what you’ve learned

If you want to get a direct-instructions or an official article, just search for it there, also there are tutorials given by roblox for most of what’s in coding that you can find here

There are great discord communities that’ll also help you such as scripting helpers or hidden developers (google them) and such.

You must have patience and dedication into learning because it isn’t easy nor it is hard, it’ll be fun and you’ll get used to it.


Thanks and I will never ask about time!

Thank you everyone!
I would rather not add a solution reply to this topic, becasue it will be unfair to other people replyed.

Other People’s reply are welcome on this topic!

I first suggest learning about:

  • What almost every Instance does,
  • Learning about Functions (of instances and what a local function is)
    Learning the common instance functions
  • Learning about RemoteEvents, RemoteFunctions, BindableEvents.
    Local Scripts and Server scripts.
  • Learning about Services
    (Note, you can enable all services inside Roblox sutiod; when you go to RS Settings > Studio > Show Hidden Objects in Explorer)
  • Data Stores, those ones which are used for leaderboards, etc. I find this one of the hardest things to learn.
  • LUA Strings; this goes so deep, there’s stuff like: \n, there’s just too much
    as well as this.
  • if statement, while statement, for loops
    if true then ... end
    while true then ... end
    for i,v in pairs(...) ... end
    for i = 1,10,1 do ... end
  • Different kinds of values:
    – Object Value
    Vector3 (BasePart: Positions, sizes)
    Booleans (true, false – note if you use ==,>,>=,< or <= it will turn into a Boolean)
    UDim (Component of UDim2: Scale, Offset)
    UDim2 (GuiObject: Positions, sizes)
    – What nil is
    CFrames (objects have: BasePart.CFrame too, understanding CFrames: CFrames are just a position and Orientation.)
  • Every Adornment, Body Mover, Constraint, joints, physics: look here
  • Inputs: look here

There’s a lot more, but this is mostly what you wanna learn about, other people specialize in other things. You just gotta find your path.

For the basics just learn:
Strings, Values (and CFrames), Server and Client, A little bit of Inputs, loops and statments.


Thanks for putting your time into this!

I will learn all of thesse!

I recommend this guy, its really easy to understand him (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYa2Ouqa0WQ&list=PLhieaQmOk7nIoGnFoACf33M3o0BOqB38a)


Thanks I just discovered his channel other people have suggested on this topic.


Hey, my name’s Matthew, and I’ve been doing programming for about 6 months now in Roblox Lua. If you have any questions, or code you’d like me to review, please feel free to message me any time, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Here’s some simple project ideas I think you could do to get the hang of programming/scripting:


  • A GUI button that when clicked changes the color of a part (hint: MouseButton1Click)
  • Make a part that forever cycles through different colors (hint: Loops!)


  • Make an animal/object that follows you (the player) wherever you go (hint: Vector3/CFrames)
  • A game where you can click parts to get money, and then buy items in a GUI menu using the money earned (hint: ClickDetectors and Datastores)

For YT Tutorials, I personally like TheDevKing.

And also, a good book (if you want a book) is this one by Heath Haskins: Amazon.com


Since you are a beginner, I would recommend watching vids like “How to make variables” or “How to make/use functions”. I kind of learned a lot thanks to YouTube and Roblox!

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Here’s a scripting “roadmap” I would recommend using:Roblox Scripting Roadmap & Learning Resource List

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Personal advice: Tutorials do not work. They make more questions then before. Use Hidden Developers, study services, anything to be able to make progress and not have to copy code and not understand any of it.

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Hey! I have quite a few good sources you can learn to script from, they are youtube tutorials, the DevWiki, from here etc…

My recommendations:

  • TheDevKing - This channel is like PeasFactory, both are quite good, but I prefer TheDevKing!
  • PeasFactory - As mentioned above, they’re similar to TheDevKing, they usually do scripting tutorials on basics etc, but TheDevKing also has a few scripting challenges and tutorials like: “How to make an E to pick up feature” etc.
  • AlvinBlox - This one is a rather popular choice, he has loads of tutorials in which he teaches the viewer on how to script a certain feature, or how to make a game. He also has quite a way of explaining services and other functions. I definitely recommend them.
  • Y3llow Mustang - They’re a quite good channel to learn to script from, they’re not like ones I mentioned above, they host Game Jams and sometimes even attend them, they also have quite a few tutorials on services etc.
  • The DevWiki - This website is by far the most helpful, you can learn to script by reading their articles and this also may help you during development. This is also an official website by Roblox.
  • Developer Forum - And last but not least, the developer forum, which is the platform that you’re currently on! In here, you can help others out with scripts, read other’s scripts and more, quite helpful if you ask me!

Hope this helped you, thanks for reading, have an amazing rest of your day/night!


I buyed the book and I m still reading it, it is rlly helpful and also this book aswell,Amazon.com
it has a bit of building and scripting but this is better. Amazon.com

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Thanks Guys. You guys helped me alot and I think I am now ready to get started with your resources!
Thank you,

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