I cannot see particles in Studio

Reproduction Steps

To reproduce, simply insert a particle instance into a valid object (such as an attachment or part).


Expected Behavior

I expect particles to render correctly.

Actual Behavior

Particles just… don’t render. They render once I play the game, yes, but they don’t appear during development.

I cannot develop visual effects and I am on a time crunch, this is completely preventing me from doing what I need to do.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-10-14 00:10:00 (-05:00)


This is caused by the Flipbooks beta unfortunately. If you aren’t using flipbooks, you should be able to disable the studio beta until it is resolved.


Roblox Studio particles are broken for most right now. Ever since the new update, I have seen lot’s of posts about the same thing. I presume that’s the problem. I’m not really sure though. If this continues to be a problem I would suggest contacting Roblox Support. :wink::+1:

Hey! This was happening to me too, then a team member just gave me a solution and it WORKED! Turning off Particle Flipbooks (in beta features) fixed it for both of us. (make sure to reopen studio after disabling flipbooks) I hope it works for you too! Good Luck!


Yup - This worked for me too!
Just to clarify how to do this, go to “FILE” in the top left of studio, and click “Beta Features”, and scroll down and untick “Particle Flipbooks” (it’s about 5 from the bottom for me atm). Then click save and restart studio as prompted!


Thanks for the report! We are aware of this issue and, as mentioned above, turning off Particle Flipbooks should fix the issue.


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