I did some rework on my UI design

I did some rework from my old UI design so, I need some feedback on it. The old UI design was a computer fit design, Now I made a mobile fit design.

Can I have feedback on this, Thank you.


I’m not a master at UI, but maybe add a icon in the right upper corner that takes you to your profile?


This looks amazing! But I have to agree with @DRivex0 about the icon thing.

Overall, it looks very great! :smiley:


What exactly is this screen gui for?

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Song app, the ui is for it we can use it maybe

So, it isn’t for a roblox game? Or a music app for a phone gui?

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ye music app for phone ui i made

Re-re-design on the re-design.

UI looks great! I saw in the playlist, are you a sid Sriram fan lol?

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Yes Lol im his big fan so I always mention one of his song on my song UI’s lol