I genuinely need advice on how to be able to rely on myself

  • programming is like any other skill. practice is the key.
  • people are often too ambitious with their projects and get burnt out too quickly. Start small, work your way up in difficulty.
  • The secret is discipline, not motivation. Motivation is what starts you off, discipline is what keeps you going.
  • Read the API docs if you get stuck. No scripter is perfect, and every programmer googles a lot of things. Asking for help is never a bad thing.

I don’t really get how discipline keeps one going, I always thought it’s just motivation to keep going.

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People get flamed when they do something remarkably stupid (like not using loops, bad nomenclature, etc). It’s pretty rare to see someone get roasted by the devforum. There is no shame in asking for help.


Motivation is the spark that starts you off. If you aren’t motivated to start, you aren’t motivated to finish either.
Discipline and consistancy are what keep the project alive and preserve that small spark. Of course, motivation is still needed, but without discipline, the project will simply fall apart. Work on the project on a strict basis and always push yourself to work on it. If you get into the rhythm of working on it over time, you’ll certainly finish the game.


and that’s why i appreciate the devforum rather than discord, other softwares as it has really toxic, harmful users who will laugh and be like:


whereas on the devforum I can get help instead of asking AI instead, cuz others on other platforms will be toxic and won’t help at all

so yes, you cannot start being a coder/programmer and you have no motivation, or discipline, you need patience, motivation, kindness as well ideas, ask CHAT GPT for some simple game ideas, and you can start coding, if you don’t know how to code the ideas, ask AI, however add stuff like comments and learn to configure the codes, so you can learn how to debug and understand others code, chat gpt for simple game ideas is a definite yes, however the giving scripts part kind of makes you forget you are learning, so I won’t recommend option 2 xd


(Sorry if I go off a bit, Its just Motivational stuff at may help, take it with a grain of salt is this is not what you want, Its just to make you feel better at specific points of your topic)

This is common when Coding and Programming, where you cant decide what to do, where to begin, or where to stop. It happens all the time, and not many people really no what to do about it, nor can get out of it.

Asking for help is not a bad thing, and should not be treated as such, even if your code is simple, you are still trying, It doesn’t matter, and even roblox states from Very Basic to more Advanced:

You dont always have to work by yourself to get things done, you can always have a friend to help you, many people when they have to do everything, lose motivation, having a friend can get the work done faster, and here on the DevForum, about everyone is your friend, many are willing to help you, fix, modify, or explain what you can do to improve yourself, there is nothing wrong with that, it happens to everybody, and you shouldn’t think that it is just you who has this issue.

When you have fully decided on what you want to work on, keep your code basic rather than going towards advanced right off the bat, if you just start of with Advanced Code, and mechanics, you will find yourself stuck and unable to keep going foward as it will make it a lot harder for you to fix, or find issues, Starting Basic allows you to modify what you need to, and slowly progress in making it more advanced, when it comes to games like FPS games, Tycoon games, or Simulators, you should always focus on the Main mechanics, like a Round System, A Cash System, or a Base System, and then move on to the non important stuff like Animations, Inputs, and Graphics, thats typically why you see a lot of empty baseplate games with fully working, and good mechanics in them.

Thats fine, there are programmers who learn off of others code, and use it to do better things, not everybody is going to understand, and write it first time, and not everybody is going to remember everything about it, but always remember to take notes on what each thing does, so you can use it later.

You arent required to know everything all at once, and you certainly arent required to be the best at it.
Your only enemy is yourself, you thinking that its a problem that asking for help with the most basic things is bad, and a really big issue, it isnt, if anything, it shows you are trying to improve, and that is what matters the most here, I do this too, I sometimes ask very about very basic things because I may not know, may have forgot, or just for others to know, I may not always get a good answer, or the best information, I may not even like doing it all the time, but it should still be taken no matter what.

I’m only 14, have plenty ahead of me, have done so much, yet I still feel the same way of doing absolutely nothing over the past 6 years I was using Roblox Studio.
But one thing you must always remember is that not everybody starts at the same place, we all go at our own pase to create with what we know, someone at 13 years old can be just as successful as someone who is already an fully grown adult, and a grown Adult can be just as unique as the 13 year old, the point is to try, avoid the feeling that you are doing nothing with your life, and think that this something that can help you succeed in life, something that you want to do, and not because you have to do it.

Its fairly normal, Coding/Programming is a pretty technical, and Advanced topic, you will often find people debating (or arguing) about what is best to do, or what is more efficient than the other, its normal when it comes to stuff like this, however people do take it a bit too far.


+1. It doesn’t even have to be a game either. It could be a plugin or some implementation of real life phenomena or even a simple text-based adventure.

You don’t have to create something never before seen. You can focus on that after you get over this first hurdle.


I am way too insecure to ask for help on discord servers, I just ask this 1 friend of mine and he always helps. I am always too scared to go into a more “public” place, such as devforum.


How long did that take you to write? Jesus christ.


I have no clue how plugins work, at all.

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45 minutes, I started when this reply was just 6 minutes old.



Man just wrote a book and put the most motivational things in them ever, thanks :3


exactly my point, I tried to ask for help on a discord server, everyone laughed at me, and been real toxic at me, basically cyber bullying me, and then they did what I wanted but didn’t show me how to do it, in other words the codes, etc

however the devforum is just as nice as your friend is, you talk with real devs who went through the pain and suffering when they started


I do agree with the devforum part, I’m not seeing any hostility here at all, besides occasional “flaming”, yet I’m still hesitant, because before I knew about devforum, my source of help was always some discord server or anything similar, experienced this and that, and ever since I’ve been hesitant to ask for help anywhere.


same for me I thought as here were filled with devs it would be as chaotic as discord, but discord by itself just has either toxic users, inappropriate users, hackers/exploiters/raiders, pests and liars
and reading through some posts on the devforum and the comments and comparing them to discord I saw the huge difference of how nice everyone is on devforum than discord, so you’re as hesitant as I was when I joined, but you’ll overcome it soon! :wink:

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A bit of a side thing, to this day I still experience drama/toxicity or whatever you wanna call it, and considering I already went insecure because of that, I get called soft, which is what also makes me scared, I know arguments on the forum are extremely rare, but the thought of getting into one and experiencing discord 2.0 is what also makes me hesitant, wow I’m quite paranoid.

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yup, everyone has their own personalities, my personality is being too kind to others, not strict at all, I cannot win an argument or start a good argument to begin with, however when I talk I sound like I am , because my ideas are never focused in one spot.

and arguments on devforum you will only find when roblox makes a bad update :rofl:

online I try to be factual and sometimes i may get myself in a factual argument same for physically but I don’t really have friends irl,

im homeschooled

, so most of my friends are online , my irl ones are online too now so yea, discord loves to bully those who are: kind, soft, caring, funny, and or smart users, basically a bullying platform, this is more of a share your thoughts platform, a freedom of speech platform :smiley:

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for example the talents in my bio i am bullied for when I ask for help or an opinion, or recommendation
cuz discord users will be like: “but you do gfx designs why ask us” the convo gets worse, like some will say “it’s trash” but,yh so I am cyber bullied for my talents and asking for help, and or being kind, that’s why I’m doing courses in cyber security now, and am learning how to ignore toxic responses and how to deal with it


98% of discord users will either “band 4 band” or straight up bully you without providing any logical arguments, and they always think they’re right.

i’m never able to understand how discord users can think “but you do x why are you asking us for help lol”, doing x doesn’t mean you have 100% of knowledge about it, they never understand that

and they always think they’re right.

because whenever you actually respond with something normal, they always say “this guy thinks he’s the main protagonist/sigma, whatever”, it’s never different

to this day i still wonder how we got to this point

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exactly, like I showed a gfx design in a server for feedback got some bullies and bro got his “friends” to comment same things he was commenting and they even remade my whole design in a few minutes to show me how “basic” my design was
and those thought that they were right in everything they were saying as they were able to remake my designs :slightly_frowning_face: and they been mean so much that eventually they forgot why they were even bullying me, I just closed the post and left them

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