I have a problem with ideas, and I need help

That sounds fine. The idea still has the quality of being basic, classic, yet fun.

Also, these are your ideas. This is your creativity. Play around with them as much as you want. From small tweaks, to big originalities, this is the fun part of creativity.

You can play for how long as you want, and the game is like jailbreak but with more possibilities, WAY more robberies, and WAY mroe game mecahnics. Wanted is a grindy open world game in which ya gotta rob stuff, make alliances with other criminals,(or shoot them). Its kind of up to you

I like the idea! I think you could add some different kinds of robberies, here’s a few ideas I just got now:
Default Robberies: Robberies like Jailbreak’s ones
Multiplayer Robberies: robberies that require more than one player to do, (only plroblem would be that one player leaves, and the other gets blocked, in this case, a solution would be to reward the remaining player, so that Greafers will not be satisfied :smirk:)
Special Case Robberies: This robberies need special conditions to happen, something like Jailbreak’s bank truck robbery, it will trigger only if the bank has been robbed, because they are trying to save the money from the bank, moving it elsewhere
Moving Robberies: Trains, Bank Trucks, Planes, like Jailbreak’s ones
Gang Robberies: Robberies that require more than 2 players to complete, same problem arises as Multiplayer Robberies, and same solution applies
Stealth Robberies: Robberies where stealth is the key, if you aren’t stealth, you are gonna get caught

These are only some of my ideas, there may be more, but I can’t think of them right now

Also, for the alliances, you should do something along the lines of what I’m going to say, because it makes everything more engaging:
Make every Gang/Criminals have special abilities/advantages, like one Gang is good at being stealth, while the other likes more plain shooting around, this will it only make Gangs of players, but will make the game more engaging for every type of player, if a player likes stealth, they will chose the Stealth Gang, instead if they like plain shooting they will choose the plain shooting Gang, and make every Gang don’t like another Gang, the Stealth Gang doesn’t like the plain shooting Gang, as they have totally different approaches, but that have different advantages, and because players always liiie having as much advantages as possible, they will try to get both Gangs, this can be counteracted by making it si, if you do a mission for the Stealth Gang, the plain shooting Gang will lose trust with you, making the player do one mission for them, thus losing Stealth’s Gang trust, this will make the player always be in balance between them, and also maybe try making some missions have different effects, and having more trust means that you will have more advantages form that Gang, as an example, if you go plain shooting in a place that the Stealth Gang wanted to go, they will lose more trust in you, instead if you would go in a random place robbing a random Gang, you would lose less trust, this will be hard to implement, but it’s worth the time I think, if you would implement it, I would surely be your most supporting player, as I love well made games (not like those obby obby obby obby obby kind of games, seeing so much of them makes me freak out :triumph:)

I don’t want to give my ideas cuz I’m really proud of em, but robberies are not the only crime

Home Invasion, Theft, Extortion, Counterfiting, Homicide, Embezzlement, Scamming, hijacking and Racketeering are all present in this game

Though I am worried I might get banned. Any part of Roblox TOS that bans the above?

My gang ideas mainly involve 5 gangs, each for different levels. You can make your own for robux as well, but the ability idea is cool, TY!

Okay, I was only giving a few ideas, and I agree, I wouldn’t give out my ideas for my ages too, but because I’m probably never gonna use them I can tell them, also I’m not sure if extortion is not allowed, but I think ti is, becaus that’s hurting a persone to get info, BUT becaus Roblox might be allowing +18 content, you could be able to put that, but I still wouldn’t, I think taht home invasion, homicide, and maybe scamming/counterfeiting might also get banned, I’m not sure tho

I like the base idea, o le problem tho is that if creating a Gang is only for Robux it mighty get some players thrown off, waht I would do, is you can make 1 Gang without Robux, and it requires some kind of missions, like going around and making people join your Gang, becaus not everyone has the Robux to do that, but the main idea is good tho!

Homicide is murder of another player in game, or that of an NPC in game

Yes but stil, it’s probably against the ToS, if you put in-game that it’s an homicide, it’s probably gonna be against the ToS, and also if you make blood be in there, but if none of them are in there you should be good, and also as Roblox said they are gonna allow 18+ content maybe, so you could be safe

Also for that I would add a Citizen team, we’re you can sort of “relax” or wait till being murdered, having a house invasion etc.

Also sorry for always doing so long replies, it’s just that I got so many details for a game like Wnated, because it has so much potential, I feel it can be the next front-page game

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Hey there, if I removed the cancer bit in Wanted, would you play it? IMO its the best game outta the bunch, and I feel more passionate about it

To be honest like I said before, it’s fine if you keep that part of the game in. I’d still play it, I was just wondering if other people would feel okay about it, perhaps I was overthinking a little as people who’ve commented actually seem to enjoy the idea.

I’d play it either way it does sound very interesting. Do what you think is best for your game and if you feel passionate about it then it’s your call not mine :smile: :+1:

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