I have a Wrong Termination Issue

-1 Hello roblox staff team, I was terminated once in Roblox because it was due to an outfit I uploaded in 2022, then I decided to send a ticket to support, after that they examined my terminated account and took my ban to 3 days, which was from 14th may to 17th may. While I was waiting for 3 days, on May 16th, while I was trying to log into my account and find out how many days were left, I saw that my account said “you have been banned terminantly” again. I don’t understand why this happened because my account was already temporarily banned and it was terminated again because someone was really constantly reporting me to Roblox. I never received a warning or ban when I uploaded the clothes I made in 2022 in 2022. I tried to reach Roblox support but they didn’t really help me. Is there anyone here who can help please.

2-Hello, as you can see, my ban was going to be reopen on the 17th of May, but then I got banned again because someone was sending me a spam massive report. As you can see, I got banned again on the 16th of may without finishing my temporary ban, if you want to take a look, please view at " Roblox Support Ticket 90440603 "

3- while waiting until the 17th, I logged into my account and on the 16th, my ban normally expires on the 17th, but on the 16th, I saw the “you are terminated” message again and I think this is an error. And this is my childhood account, I don’t want to lose it. I want the roblox admins to view with this

3- As You Guys Can See Is Someone Out There who can help me about this?

4- Proof Of Me Being Spam And Massively Reported without even seconds.


5- Someone really massively reported me non-stop, he must have done this on purpose and many of the clothes I made in 2022 have been deleted, I want someone to please help me, this is something that insults Roblox moderation and is done for a purpose that is not used correctly. As I said, I did not receive any warnings or bans from Roblox when I installed & uploaded these clothes which is classic pants & shirts in 2022.

6- When I shared this with Roblox and the Roblox community, no one helped. My account has been terminated for 25 days and now I want someone to please help me. If anyone sees this, please help. This is the account I have been using for years and I gave a lot of Robux and money, I lost my limiteds, just because I was massively reported.
My Username is NurRoyce on roblox , and my profile is https://www.roblox.com/users/417988662/profile

Thank you very much to everyone who read and helps.


@meguminspire84 meguminspire84 @linksgoat linksgoat

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Can you show the deleted asset(s) that got you banned?

(Also, tagging Roblox staff probably won’t do anything)

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Yeah sure But I was massively reported i don’t have the real image which i uploaded in 2022 of banned items because they were made years ago in 2022 i’m really worried , i was massively spam reported.

A lot of my classic shirts & pants were abusively reported and some of them i got restored and some of them aren’t. And I’m terminated off roblox. Look at the time and date of the items that was banned they were on purpose massively reported me to get terminated off roblox

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Yikes well from this image in your original post:

It doesn’t seem bad. Maybe Roblox thought your clothing item was revealing or something? Idk since I don’t have an actual image

I don’t know how to actually get mod attention but it probably won’t happen here on the devforum since the devforum mods can’t do nothing

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Yeah the report times are really close together. Have you made anyone upset at you recently?

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And also, I don’t think what I did was a revealing shirt, most likely it was a corset, I mean, I don’t understand why something inspired by TikTok and real life was so exaggerated, I also got a 1-day ban, a 3-day ban, and a 7-day ban. Finally, my account was terminated before I could play Roblox at all. Also, when I appealed, it was moved for 3 days, but then I was terminated again in the middle of my ban which happened 17th may because they were sending massive reports to close my account. And yeah there’s a lot of haters that do this to just annoy players.

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Yikes well I guess the mods think it’s revealing for some reason

I think that more spam reports were coming in and they just kept increasing the severity of the ban which sucks

That really does suck. Wish I could help you do more but all I can really do is give some advice.

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And when I uploaded the item (classic shirt) in 2022, I received neither a warning nor a ban. This is really sad. Roblox needs to fix this. I need help and my account may be closed forever In few days . I don’t know what to do. It was my childhood account and nobody is helping me. I tried getting into support but nothing works.

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Hopefully there’s something else I can find. But it seems like they only reply to support messages

Wait did you submit a report from the settings page or from Roblox Support?

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Thank you and i hope you can help me , If there is a problem or something bad with the classic clothing I uploaded in 2022, moderators please delete it, but I really want my account to be unbanned. I’m terminated and i have memories and everything in the account…

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a report from the settings page how does that work? And I noticed something strange, why on my ban screen it says “Our content monitors have determined that your behavior at Roblox has been in violation of our Terms of Use.” i was banned from a bot moderator or something?

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Wait actually nevermind, I just saw something and thought it made a difference nvm

But uh

yeah I think that’s what it means.

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I don’t know what to do and my account is still terminated

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I only really see two viable options left for you:

  1. Try another support appeal (hopefully they accept it)
  2. Somehow get the attention of a Roblox mod

I just looked and there’s nothing else that you can do…

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Sorry for the necrobump but can anyone else give some insight?

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Can anybody help? any help would be appreciated

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I was abusively massive reported on purpose , they did it on purpose to get me terminated off roblox. I really need my problem to be solved by Moderator Staff
image @Hooksmith

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