I have lost my Imagination?

Hi there developers, I am Blacky Head I have build some months her in Roblox and I know all I have to know but the problem is my imagination or taking ideas sometimes, I take some references images but I take that like I copy I always want to have something original not just a copy. Is there something that can help me in developing my imagination?
Appreciate the help :slight_smile:


Imagination isn’t something you can really develop or grow from external sources. Just try to recreate something and as you build, let your brain decide what things should look like or where they go, not the image.


Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

What I find is an Imagination Booster is building/doing whatever comes to mind; this could be building the first thing you see in your Room, placing random parts together to create a simple obby, bunch a ton of free models together and see what craziness you find, or even see if you can break the Chat Filter (Please, I do NOT suggest this, I’m just thinking of Scripting Challenges!)
Just go with whatever you think of, and it’s rather fun in the end. I bid you luck.
~ Arid. :smile:

Thanks that help me the only problem is when someone commissions you to make something original but with them :c
Always appreciate your comment :slight_smile:

Get inspired by several things, and then blend them into one piece. That’s what I do.

Hello, Mr. Blacky Head!

I would first like to start by saying that there is nothing wrong with taking reference photos when making a piece of art. At the same time, however, I understand where you’re coming from when you say you struggle with creating original content. As an artist, I know all too well those moments where I feel like I’m just drawing the same old crap over and over again.

I leave you with one suggestion: just look around you. I’ve found that I can create better ideas when I’m doing new things, or watch content that makes me think about things.

I hope this helped!

Thanks, I will take that in mind :slight_smile:

this is kinda creative try to make 3D remakes of famous paintings (like the mona lisa but mainly the forest behind her type of thing)