I keep getting fling when trying to jump close to the bag from my game, and i have no idea what’s doing it

My character for some reason gets flinged randomly when trying to jump on the backpack, i think it has something to so with the ways that i used to attach the backpack to the character, even tho the ways when backpack on ground are enabled = false

https://youtu.be/EM79lLJyClY ← Youbube video of the problem

i previously used the wrong category ;-;

This seems to be an issue with client-server replication (maybe). Check the values and how the suitcase is on the server side and also check its collision fidelity by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of your viewport.

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You can just move the post to a different category next time haha. Press edit post then you’ll see the option

To your problem: right after the backpack is anchored run this loop:

local backpack = -- the backpack
for i, part in backpack:GetDescendants() do
	if not part:IsA("BasePart") then continue end
	part.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vector3.zero
	part.AssemblyAngularVelocity = Vector3.zero
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The collisions look fine in the server and in the client, and the values looks fine too…
but i just notived something whe you said to check the client and server, is that the bag is parented to the player, maybe thats the fling problem

Could be. Try parenting the bag into another separate folder in the workspace after you unequip the bag.

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yeee, i was extra dumb on this move, now its not flinging me

Ah, that’s great to hear! Glad I could help.

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i didnt knew that i could change the category lol

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