I made a bridge for my city. (part 2 of city building)

Here is the first post. Kinda outdated but ya. Im starting on a city. What do you think?

Here is the bridge in daylight:

And here it is at night:

I feel like I have improved so much! Even just in the span of one day! :slight_smile:


Small update: every day there will be a new post on my city update! Follow me so you don’t miss it :slight_smile:

Really Nice!
I like how did you put wire its long to make,Goodjob!

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Very good job, I think this could have a bit more detail, like a fence on the side or something like that. Anywho, great job.

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I knew something was missing! Thanks!!

Very nice bridge, a little more detail could do but other than that, well done.

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Thx for the feedback! I love hearing everyone’s opinion!