Im starting on a city. What do you think?

All I have done so far is build all the roads, crosswalks and made a few stoplights. I think it looks good. I will prob make a post every other day on progress!


I like the roads but the traffic lights look abit big. Mkae them more skinnier and maybe add abit more detail to the actual traffic lights themselves. Good job so far.


thx man! I will take that into account!

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great but the traffic lights look very ugly, it lacks one more touch of physics

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ya, im not to happy with them. There will be more revisions lol

It looks not bad but I think you should fix the traffic lights it looks not good.

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The first two things that I seen you could improve on are as others have said, the traffic lights, and the traffic light poles. The cylinder that has the traffic lights is slightly going through the other pole, if you know what I’m saying. Here’s a picture of what I’m saying and how you could fix it:

To have the most precise way of doing this, do it by even stud increments (1, 0.5, 0.25 for instance) so there isn’t like the teeniest bit of the cylinder clipping through.

And another thing, maybe at some sort of sphere or smoothen the end of the poles with the lights on them. They look too ‘sharp’.

Other than that it’s looking good so far. :+1:


ya, I am not overly happy with them either

Thanks for the advice, You also helped to improve my building skill.


Thanks. I will work on them rn!

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Looks great, I’m assuming your going for a low poly cartoony build based on the colors and the style. I think you should add a tiny bit more of details to the street lights, as they look a little plain even for low poly.

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I’ve updated the stoplights a bit. I will add more detail further down the road.


I can’t help to notice that the traffic lights look a little big and blocky. Apart from that It looks pretty good, you’re off to a good start, In my opinion.

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Road markings are too thick, and unrealistic. They do not follow American road standards. Traffic lights are also unrealistic. I suggest you google a regular traffic light… The bases of the traffic lights are far too large and spill out into the road, which shouldn’t happen. Honestly I would start fresh rather than pick out and fix mistakes. I’ve had to restart projects many times in order to become happy with a result.

DM me at dirtroad4life#7308 and I can help you out.

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To elaborate by on road standards.

White markings indicate the street is one way. They are also usually on the edges/shoulders of the road.

Yellow markings are used to separate directions of travel. You use none.

You should also include visible turn arrows, and possible add turn lanes.

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I can’t drive yet so thanks for the help. Btw I’ve started to add some lines and turn “things”

Sry for bad photo I’m on my phone rn :slight_smile:

Looks good for a start though, however you may want to add a bit more detail to the traffic lights and maybe put in some street lights while your at it!

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It looks very nice, great job! Like others have said, the traffic lights look a bit ugly, and I noticed that where the cylinder that holds the lights connects to the cylinder attached to the ground you can see some clipping and the cylinders poking through each other. If you haven’t already (hard to tell with this lighting) you could make the lights light up through a script that activates when you press a button, or just have them give off light in general to add some realism.

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Ya, I was thinking of something like that!

Also I added color correction, what do you think?

(no color correction)

(with color correction)

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