I made a cool custom interaction system!

Hello Devforum!

Recently I was working on a custom interaction system that is nicely handled server/client barrier wise.

Some features:

  • Tweened animations
  • Easy to setup and customize
  • Timed interactions (e.g. hold E for 2 seconds to interact)
  • Super low script activity! The whole client-side system never takes more that 0.4%!

Here are some videos and stuff of what it looks like!

Very tidy!

Scripting with the new system

local Global = require( game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Global )
local Attachment = script.Parent.Example

local InteractionPoint = Global:InitializeInteractionObject(Attachment)

    script.Parent.Color = Color3.fromRGB(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255))

If enough people like this thing, I might uncopylock my place for other people to use it :wink:


please tell me the point of using your system when I can instead use Proximity Prompts


I repeated many times that this is a custom interaction system meaning it’s something I made myself for fun. I’m not even asking for anybody to use this system.

Did you make an effort to read any of the topic or are you just posting for the sake of it?

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I wasn’t trying to be rude I just wanted to know the differences
sorry :frowning:
I should have reworded that better


I love it, it would be epic to uncopylock it.


It would be cool if it was customizable! Overall, good job!
Although, because you are not looking for feedback, This belongs in the #waywoc thread for 2021.

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Well probs cuz this looks cooler then Proximity Prompts

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It looks better and it’s more customisable

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Thanks for pointing that out! Sadly I’m not sure if I can relocate an entire topic to a thread :grimacing: (I’ll remove the part at the end where I ask for no feedback, hopefully that should make it fine)

Though yes, I agree there could be more customizations… Do you have any suggestions of what I could add?

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Honestly I’m fine with the way everything is, good job.

Hey anyway you can open source it i’m rlly curious to see how you made it!


Ok people I’m finally releasing this thing cause I never ended up using it

The system uses old code and dodgy coding practices such as OnServerEvent connections being handled in modules in ReplicatedStorage. It does function, and relatively efficiently, though things are messy and it is definitely not very exploiter-proof.

@furiousjumperFuNy @SaintlySoup @IllogicalSavings


Thanks dude, I haven’t been on in a while