made a simple, releastic & modern house for fun
Hints? A bit of everything is what I’m thinking
That’s a good idea! At first, I misread your post and thought you meant to add particles to each star point, but I later saw you said “trails” so now there’s both!
It’s a more detailed effect now but something about it feels less “magical” when I’m holding it in VR now, though; I think it’s because of the particles, though, not the new trails.
(In this session, I also learned that Roblox’s new physics-based character movement is incompatible with Nexus VR Character Model… I hope this doesn’t cause my experience to lose VR support in the future… )
Update to the obby:
I removed Halloween decorations and color schemes, and I am slowly adding in the first big update coming on 12/5/22. If you want to check it out, here is the link again: Super Fun Mega Easy Obby
I made a lootable weapons crate using
i apologize for the video res

Actualmente estoy trabajando en un obby, a que ese proyecto no este como los demas obby, mi hermano me a dado muchas ideas para mejorar mi juego a que esta en proceso actualmente el juego esta abierto por si lo quieren probar.
And when you think the game will be finished?
In this category you can only speak in English.
Holy! This doesn’t look like roblox
Is that really the case? Because that seems quite weird if you ask me…
Y en donde podria encontrar la categoria castellano o mejor conocido español.
Yes, that’s wrote somewhere (don’t remember where). I reported the post and said “He should speak in English.”, and the moderator said “We’re agree there’s an issue and we’re looking into it.”.
I don’t speak Spanish. As I said you shouldn’t speak in Spanish in this category.
More of R2DA weapon recreation, SPAS-12. This one is a little bit of a personal favorite of mine but also primarily my favorite weapon in R2DA!
The faces are so cute It’s like one of those talking tom games except it does not have the voice feature
I’ve been working on a horror for around a week or so, it’s a VHS-type of horror game which I’m releasing pretty soon after a few optimizations and changes are made, I’m very proud of the game and how it looks.
At least google translate it to understand what Palo is saying. Btw, he is saying where he can find the category where he can speak Spanish without being criticized by people.