I made a one-time CAPTCHA for scam bots

I agree, the CAPTCHA should be presented at the start, but it should also try to trigger when certain phrases are said too.

@WishingTie09120 You may want to make it more advanced though, its a very basic CAPTCHA and since they keep advancing, I think it’s safe to assume bots can get past that.


No it doesn’t, since the goal is to prevent bots from joining. Not exploiters. Exploiters are humans like OP said.

I’m sure some games would use this in the future. The UI looks pretty cool!

Wow! Nice! This could be a feature widely used across the platform as this could be helpful fro many games! I would recommend implement it into a loading/join screen so no matter what you say, you will have to pass it. Great idea, and great work!

Can’t an exploiter make a bot that bypasses it?

well there are very less ppl who would even bother to script them as now the scam bots aint scamming robloxians cuz they know they aint getting anything from the websites…the thing is they have become resource consuming garbage that are lagging games by their insane chat spamming

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Which is why we should do something about it and not just be confident that Roblox will release a patch only to find out that it’s been bypassed. Again.

This is not a good way to think of the scam issue. It’s easy for you to say “Meh, Iike anyone actually visits those websites.” but kids are much more easy to manipulate than older people. You don’t know how desperate exploiters are these days to steal Robux and valuables, they’ll do anything.

I think a simpler way to do this, although It would be annoying to most real players, Is to just add a delay to the game before you are able to talk, most scam bots join the game, type a few words In a sentence and then leave. I do think it is a good idea and maybe you could make the button randomly generate a color to prevent a bot for looking for a specific color to click on.

I love this. It is cool I really like it so much. Great job!

Honestly, I love this, I am going to modify it a bit by putting a timer on it and if it is not clicked in that amount of time, I am going to kick them.

That is a good idea @NACKRR, can you please make the modified version a public model so I can add that in just about all of my games? So people don’t get scammed.

That was my idea duh…I posted it before

Why not just put in a feature request so that the chat filter looks for scam bot messages? They have the AI powered chat filter that can work much better than pattern matching ever would.

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i found a way to bypass this, the scambots can use autoclickers programmed to click on the exact spot of captcha or even script a captcha client…

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No,players wuld get annoyed and then you will have less playtime because they got irritated by the captcha, players even get mad when they get captcha for singning into their accounts…imagine this happening in the actual game, wonder how those spam bots manage to past that captcha? They simply are equipped with autoclickers or captcha clients

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Umm actually ppl learn from their mistakes… I fell for a website and it asked me to tasks after tasks and I then understood that it is fake…children also learn from their mistakes

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And some will keep trying because they don’t understand the concept of scams yet.

They’ll just go like, oh maybe it’ll work on other websites. The people in the fake live chat might have gotten all the Robux.


This is going to help a lot. This is really cool!

lol yeah only some others will jusst quit off after like 2 to 5 times

Maybe have it so that players can’t chat at all until they do the Captcha? That would make it really hard for bots to send messages, and all players have to do is click a button once every game visit.