I made a one-time CAPTCHA for scam bots

Randomly generating a colour wouldn’t really work, as on some pcs there are options to play games in grayscale mode, (I actually enjoy grayscale mode strangely), Also rarely some colourblind people can’t see colour at all, so wouldn’t that make it hard for them to do that captcha?

This is a great CAPTCHA, but just like what @sjr04 had said, try to put this CAPTCHA at the beginning as soon as a player joins.

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I really like this! I think this is a great invention.

I’m not sure if this is a great contribution but, I feel like you should make the word “robux” or variations such as “rebex”, “roux”, or, “rabax” trigger the captcha.

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I have several advices:

  • Instead of just detecting when the box will be checked, you can do things more advanced (like recaptcha).

  • Why do we need to do the captcha once? Scammers may hack people’s account and use it for scamming. If that player did the captcha before, this may be a problem.

What if you were to click this captcha to reveal the chat before you typed, just a thought though. I think it’s pretty neat.