I made a realistic vhs effect

I am working on a backrooms like game called The Woodrooms.

For this game i made a realistic vhs effect by combining two methods
the first one, is the fisheye script. It inserts a sphere that has glass as material with 0.5 transparency to your camera(AKA BARREL DISTORSION).
the second one, is the vhs effect. I found a good one on the asset store.
By combining those two methods i achieved this:

Please note that nor the fisheye or the vhs scripts are not made by me.

The combination is that the fisheye adds a barrel distorsion and a bit of lower texture on materials, making it a more realistic vhs effect, adn the vhs effect that has a realistic film grain effect.



This would’ve been a permanent method for lens distortion effects but unfortunately it only works a higher graphics levels… :disappointed:


yes… but for now its the only solution we have, isn’t it?

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you can set fisheye to be invisible but distorted by setting beyond transparency 1

yea but its not the same it is different, it look way too distorted and its not uniform

very cool! mind if i use this for a project? basically the same idea, a horror style game, was initially trying to use pixel shaders, but i cant find any guides on them that work with lighting other than some $60 tool lol

Sure, but if you use lights in your game it will look wierd, i managed to make a new model in where i placed some parts near the ball to block the light

This VHS effect looks cool! Great recreation! Nice job on it! When will the game release that includes it?

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i abandoned the game :joy:, tho i started working on a backrooms gaming using this effect and i have improved it, by making the light not reflect on the fisheye lens. The game is not finished but im publishing it for you to test it lol. here: Found Footage #1 - Roblox

What do you think?
I’ve pretty much abandoned this backrooms game too :sob: :skull:
I abandon all my games i loose inspirations since i develop alone

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Looks great bro i wish i had this a few months ago ngl


cool! I love it, it is not too over the top and it is still noticeable! I think you nailed it! good job keep up the good work


I’ve thought of this as well. It looks good. The only issue is that it’s currently impossible to see particles and transparent parts through glass.


Currently, if I make the window larger or smaller, the ball just sits in the middle. How do I scale it to be the best effect? Can I have a rbxl place?

idk why sometimes it is scaled different than it is supposed to be. I enter the game once and it is scaled too small, then the other time it is scaled perfect. Imma give you a place tho, see if you can figure it out.
RobloxVhsRealisticTemplateTest.rbxl (68.7 KB)

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I tried it and it works well on 60FOV.
Any higher and you can see the edges.