I made a realistic vhs effect

I am working on a backrooms like game called The Woodrooms.

For this game i made a realistic vhs effect by combining two methods
the first one, is the fisheye script. It inserts a sphere that has glass as material with 0.5 transparency to your camera(AKA BARREL DISTORSION).
the second one, is the vhs effect. I found a good one on the asset store.
By combining those two methods i achieved this:

Please note that nor the fisheye or the vhs scripts are not made by me.

The combination is that the fisheye adds a barrel distorsion and a bit of lower texture on materials, making it a more realistic vhs effect, adn the vhs effect that has a realistic film grain effect.



This would’ve been a permanent method for lens distortion effects but unfortunately it only works a higher graphics levels… :disappointed:


yes… but for now its the only solution we have, isn’t it?

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you can set fisheye to be invisible but distorted by setting beyond transparency 1

yea but its not the same it is different, it look way too distorted and its not uniform