I Made a Variety of Bakery Animations

Heya so I’ve made a variety of animations for a Bakery game I’m working on, ranging from cooking/baking animations themselves to other miscellaneous motions like a death animation and a mopping animation. Would just like some feedback on these thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

So here’s the cooking animations I’m happy to share:
(this next one is different from the one above I promise lol)
So those above were just some of the motions I created for the baking system. I wanted to go for like a Bloxburg-style cooking mechanic but I took it one step further with the additional animations and potential risk of failure at certain steps when preparing food (like where you can drop the mixing bowl as seen above).

Here’s some of the other animations for the game, including mopping spills on the floor, slipping over spills on the floor and a simple death:

Welp if you got this far then I appreciate you taking the time to look at some of the animations I’ve made for this game. The one’s I’ve shown here are probably about just less than half of the total amount I’ve made, but I’d greatly appreciate some second opinions on them. I’m a little too proud to provide an impartial review on my own product beyond admitting that the movements can be somewhat linear at certain keyframes lmao.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Yes I still use Moon Animation Suite V1 don’t judge me on that lmaoo

Hours hahaha. They take hours to make it’s tedious

Woah This is Amazing Cant wait for your game to drop :grinning:

These are really cool! And some of them are funny which I like, you done a really good job!

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deaths in a bakery game?!! :flushed:

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nah just for when you reset lol

I like then, I also like how dummy just pick up donut from his pocket into the pot. Same with spatula

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This is Good i like it. You made it by Moon Animation it’s Great.