I made my FIRST 3D model. EVER!

Ok so I read a tutorial by @.EnDarke and it REALLY inspired me to try making my own version! I’ve used blender many times to create gfx (bad gfx) but never gave modeling a shot!
Please give me any kind of feedback and sorry of it looks innapropriate, there was no intention of doing so.

Also, can you give me ideas on what to make next?

Also dev forum tutorials which may help please!

(or dm me on discord and give me advice
Bmw#6180 )

pictures of the tree


For your first model it looks pretty good. Though, a lot can be improved by using the skin modifier for the tree, and UV sphere for the leaves, if you watch a small tutorial you can learn a lot!


Also try looking at Auto Smooth tutorials. They get rid of the hard edges of your tris and make faceted objects appear smooth.

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Well, it’s definitely a good start for a first model in a software I’ll try adding a more proper design to it like there could be branched with spheres as the leaves but try rotating, sizing them differently. Try using a subdivision surface modifier to give it a smoother appearance to the base and whole model.

As said above, try using the skin modifier and possibly add branches, at different angles and height which you should do. Yet, right now it is kinda hard to tell if this is a tree or not, you should still make it more complex, while keeping the theme look you’re going for. Maybe try looking at a few reference images to go off of so the tree could have a more natural look to it, but since you seem like a beginner, I would advise to keep learning and practicing so you could improve more on your model.

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I definitely DO NOT recommend using UV Spheres for anything regardless of what it is, they are practically useless, and Icospheres do a ton better job for sure.

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My bad, I’m not a pro modeler so I don’t have much experience.


It’s alright man, takes time, effort, and practice.

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Uhhhh this does not look like a tree. It looks very much like… something else…


I don’t know much about 3D modeling so I imagine this wasn’t easy. It’s good for a first time, as I don’t even know where to start to do that. However, at a point the tree begins to look like a bendy straw, or those ones you could get at like chuck-e-cheese [don’t know why that popped into my head]. Then the top, I think Roblox will moderate you for, that doesn’t look very appropriate to some people. I recommend taking some inspiration on the shape of vector trees on Google!


I know… I’m sorry I had no intentions of doing so

haha. It seems we’re the only you & I notice so it’s fine.

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It’s a good start for the 1st, you have a lot of potential dude!

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excuse me but WHAT IS THIS MONSTROSITY? it looks illegal.

jokes, aside. not bad for a start.


uv spheres are useful? I use them a lot

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It’s not that they aren’t “useful” it’s that is has unneeded tris and if you turn it down it a lot it starts to not look like a sphere. So it’s best to stick with a Icosphere (2).

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Well yea I guess thats true unless you use smooth it out