Hi, I am learning how to script and I got stuck with this code.
local part = game.ReplicatedStorage.Couch
local part2 = part:Clone()
part2.Anchored = false
part2.Parent = game.Workspace
part2.Position = Vector3.new(23.217, 64.838, 90.85)
I am wanting it to clone the object which is in ReplicatedStorage, but although I have unanchored it, it just stays in the sky and does not fall to the ground.
As you can see, it does not fall to the ground
Thanks for reading!
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If I move it down, then it gets unanchored. Although as soon as it is cloned it does not fall to the ground
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Move the part variable inside the function
local part = game.ReplicatedStorage.Couch
local part2 = part:Clone()
part2.Parent = game.Workspace
part2.Position = Vector3.new(23.217, 64.838, 90.85)
Check if any part of the model inside ReplicatedStorage is anchored.
No, I haven’t anchored it. It is all unanchored, except I have welded a killbrick to the couch. Which is also unanchored.
It isnt a local script, it is a normal script.
Try removing the weld for a bit
@TheDestroyer0525 should I use a local script?
You can’t use Anchored on localscripts
But without a weld the killbrick and couch woudn’t be attached right?
What if I use a weld constraint?
Will that work? I haven’t used a local script
April 19, 2022, 4:35am
You should be using weld constraint regardless… its superior to weld.
I removed all the welds, still does not work
Oh ok, I will try that. Thanks.
April 19, 2022, 4:37am
I think u have to unanchor every part inside it or the ones that are welded to it
@RMofSBI It does not work even though I just used weld constraint.
I did unanchor all the parts welded to the couch. In fact, I also wrote
part2.Anchored = false