I need help with clothing not uploading due to the wrong template?

Hello. I have another issue where when I want to upload a template someone sent me via discord because they don’t have premium, and when I save it, and try to upload it, roblox tells me “upload failed. did you use the right template?” I don’t even know what that means. Can someone help me please?
Here is the template: Crop top (vimp)

Go to the create tab on the roblox website. Click on where it says shirts and click on the link that says “Don’t know how? Click here” or just click the one I have provided right here.


IIRC the old template is no longer usable and you have to use the new template which includes R15 when uploading clothing.

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It is using the new Template though.

Are you using the correct clothing category? I don’t see how this should fail because even though it is slightly different from the default template, it should still work.

Thank you, but just realized he’s stealing from the internet.

Ah alright. 3 0 c h a r a c t e r s .