I Need Help With GFX in Blender 3.2 With My 3D Layered Outfit


I want to make a GFX, but when it comes to 3D layered clothings, I’m starting to have a hard time. For me and for you, it would be the most logical solution to go by explaining.

  • After uploading my character to Roblox Studio, it loads the clothes separately.
The situation I'm talking about

  • Since the release of 3D Layered Clothing, I cannot properly load them into my character.
    • How can I do this first?
  • When the clothes are exactly on the character, will I export the clothes separately like the accessories?
    • I haven’t viewed clothes in Blender (V 3.2.1) before. When I load my avatar and outfits into Blender, will it be the same as in Roblox Studio or will the outfit be separate as in Roblox Studio (I’ll have to adapt the outfit to the character again)?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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You just need to Import this into R15 Mode

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