I need help with terrain!

Hello, im Yor_ick. I would like to know Some tips to make realistic looking terrain. I’ve tried it so much, But I dont know How to do it. Please comment how i can advance


do a search for roblox article terrain. That should get you something to read about it.

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This plugin can help a lot with making things look nice and realistic, it’s something for the background, the sun, to give it a nice look, which could help you when you make your terrain.

Thanks @ScytheSlayin! I Will surely Use it!

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The Roblox terrain you make with the terrain editor looks very realistic compared to custom made using parts.

The one of the left which is the Roblox terrain, looks a lot more realistic (esp the water) than making one using parts.
So, if you want realistic terrain, you should go with the Roblox terrain. Hope that helps :smile:.


I found some helpful stuff for you, hope they answer your questions!:

How to make good quality realistic terrain


Good luck! :grinning: :four_leaf_clover:


I suggest you read my post about useful Terrain plugins, as it might help!

Also, the most important factors of realism and realistic terrain, in my opinion, are the lighting and how well you use the terrain tools. Realistic lighting really contributes to the realistic terrain- because you can’t have one without the other! In general, for realistic builds I use ShadowMap lighting, realistic skies, fog, and an appealing time of day.

I also suggest you look off of real-life landscapes and try building them with smooth terrain, as the more you do the better you will become at creating realistic landscapes with smooth terrain.

Saying that I’d like to show you what you are able to create using all the tips I gave after a few months of terrain building.

Playing with other terrain styles is also fun sometimes :slight_smile:

(Beware of lag)


This is no way making the terrain better and I personally think it’s off topic. You/He can try making his own background/skybox or insert one. Sunrays is easy to add and you can adjust it as you want. Also by accesing Lighting you can change it to Compatibility or ShadowMap, adding shadows. The mod only adds stuff that you could add. It doens’t make terrain for you. It’s no hate, just nforming. Roblox terrain is the most realistic terrain to use.

Hope this helped both of you and explained what Realism Mod basically does. Also, if you have knowledge of simple stuff (Adding Sunrays, inserting/making skyboxes and changing lighting to shadow for better experience and detail) you are better than Realism mod too!

The plugin helps the terrain look more realistic, it isn’t off-topic.

It doesn’t make it look much more realistic. Seems you didn’t see the other things I said, where I mentioned that you can add them by your own.

Edit: This is no hate or argue towards, but I have experienced with Realism Mod and it can’t do as much as you can personally do as its a plugin.


When making terrain, compare it to how you would think it would look in real life or even use images, I make alot of mountains using smooth terrain and use google images as a reference. Also make sure to add bushes, shrubs, trees etc. because just having terrain isnt enough to make it look good, lighting also plays another large part. The new shadowmap feature on Roblox is a great way to make your trees and bushes pop out if they have shadows, gives the map a more realistic appearance. Thats all I can really help with

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Hey there, I made a step-by-step tutorial on exactly this, how to create good and realistic looking terrain, and it comes with a sample piece so you can have a base to work from!

Hope you find it helpful!