What are you working on currently? I’m currently working on a lag test game, I currently have no more ideas for it though. It feels like I’m done but there’s a lot missing at the same time, so that’s why I have created this topic. I need ideas, or just tell me what I can do better!
“Does anyone have ideas for my lag testing game?”
“I already made an anchor option and a free explode”
" and a server sided large explosion "
“any ideas?”
[EDITED: Forgot to say, I don’t wanna crash the game, I wanna make it competitive so other people can look how many parts their client can handle. If it would crash instantly that would be no fun and no competition at all!]
Game has been released feel free to try and give feedback
Also, I just tested and if you put the second argument too high it won’t work. I did 2^12 and it worked. Also I had to print it otherwise it didn’t lag.
-- this lags the server
while true do
local epic = Instance.new("Part")
epic.Size = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
epic.Anchored = true
Make something that shoots raycasts from the player every heartbeat, each time doubling the amount of raycasts fired from before. (I can’t script this, I don’t know enough to make it for you )
Well I forgot to say that it’s not supposed to crash it’s supposed to make it even laggier. I’m planning to add values and a scoreboard so people can flex their parts. There’s no competition if you’re just gonna crash instantly like others.