I spawn as R15 even tho my game is R6?

    player.CharacterAppearance = "Classic"

This is setting the appearance to R6 mode explicitly…


Here, for me this works 100% of the time



		player.CharacterAppearance = "Classic"
	until game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name) and game.Workspace[player.Name]:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")


I’m pretty sure this is just “Roblox’s” problem as There’s multiple of these forum posts
yet its also happening in my own game
I assume you just gotta wait until Roblox fixes this problem

This happens to me too. For me, this only happens when you start another test directly after stopping one. I usually just wait a couple seconds to allow Studio to fully stop the test, and then try to make another one.

I’ve recently gotten this issue. I imported a script which was meant to turn off player collisions, but some of the stuff in it was deprecated so I removed it. Despite making the settings and code force me into R6, it will still default to R15 with 2 exceptions:

  1. If Player Choice is selected, it will load in R6 just fine.

  2. In team tests, it will load in R6 just fine.

No idea what caused this to happen (clearly something with the script I inserted) but why it only doesn’t work when R6 is selected is beyond me

I don’t know if this was answered to you already but, I just figured out. its to do with the player chosen animations, if set to standard it will be r15. just put it in player choice and put the avatar to r6, like this:
at least its what worked for me, I don’t know if it will work to you or whoever is reading this


So unfortunate we need to implement our own fixes while roblox does something about it


This also happened to me a few times, but I’m pretty sure it was caused by lag/bad internet connection, just stop the playtest, wait around a minute and try it again, this worked for me.
(It might also be Roblox’s issue but I recommend you try this, maybe even try restarting the studio)

I have no idea why this happens.

Each time my friend turns on Team Create the animations stop working for me, and the character starts with R15 for him.

I’ve been having this issue for the last day, for now I’ve found a work-around of putting the game in debugging with F5 as fast as possible, then disabling debugging.

im pretty sure this is an in studio bug

Bump. Still experiencing this issue 2 years going on 3 later

I set my game to R6 and occasionally I’ll spawn in as R15 in studio, very weird.

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Bump again, but this occurs for me too… I’m sick of this. When will Roblox fix this?


Yeah I’ve been dealing with this too, it’s throwing off my scripts since they don’t work with R15.


The same problem happens to me. And the most weird thing what it affects not all games , for example my other games don’t hvae this problem and tools are working correctly. I think the only thing we can do - wait

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Apparently it’s team create. I’ve turned it off since I had the same problem and now it doesn’t happen. 100% Roblox’s issue, just keep team create off for the time being.


yeah i have experienced something like that is it a bug?

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It must be a problem about Roblox.I found a solution is to set team create to off and save your game.

PS: To anyone finding the solution (turn team create off) you need to turn team create on before you turn it off (that is if you created a project with turn create off)