I spent 40k robux on my game and I have nothing to show for it!


I have recently launched this game , As a mean to market the game I decided to use Roblox sponsorships , I have spent 40 and counting on sponsors but I have nothing to show for it , When I sponsor the player count goes up to 800 players and that just drains out the sponsor and then it goes down again , I’m I using the sponsorship system wrong or am I missing something?

For full review this is my game: ( ✦ ) [:star:NEW​:star:] Toon Tower Defense - Roblox

Thank you!


how fast does the playercount go down

stop trying to control everything and just let go


Man another tower defense there are so much tower defenses nowdays it’s crazy
also 40k? hope it is good lemme take a look

yeah played a little that game is pretty bad-mid
also the optimization is non existence, ultra laggy and low fps experience

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I wouldnt say it’s mid the animations is SUPER clean, but yeah it was laggy but I can tell some effort was put into this game

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I’do say personally it’s pretty mid apart from the lobby looking fine but your opinion is understandable

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in like 2 hours it’s back to 4 players

So you think the laag is the reason?

im sorry but you’re cooked mah boy

Any reason why I am cooked…?

can u get rid of the fake loading screen and the tutorial

i just wanna play immediately and so do the 95% of other ppl on this platform (cuz most ppl are kids and when they press the play button on the roblox homepage, they wanna instantly be playing)

Alright I’ll consider changing that too , But many games have tutorials and loading screens

Yes, but you’re missing the fact that your game is one of many with the same core mechanics that a portion of the platform already knows how to use.

True, You’re right , Thank you very much

ye i just figured that if u remove anything forced or atleast make the stuff optional (the tutorial) then ppl can jump right into playing

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I see what you mean , Thank you very much

What do you mean “fake loading screen”? Loading screens are there are for a reason, usually to mask map preloading and prepare assets like sounds or animations. I assume you’ve never seen how the game looks when players on slower devices join without a loading screen.

I was about to argue that tutorial is important, but then I checked the game and quit during the tutorial because of how unintuitive, slow and buggy it was :smiley:


This game seems very well-made, and I like the style of it a lot! It would be more fun with other players, and that might be why not many people are playing it. Nice job on this game!

All of your points make sense , I found out that some players might have a hard time starting the game hence why I added the tutorial , I will remove it and make the lobby as every other TD game and try again