I want to FindAndReplace for every script in the workspace at once. I this possible?

A script that i mass copied and pasted has an error now every clone of it has an error so how can i fix the typo on all of the scripts at the same time

I think the keybind for this is
ctrl + shift + f

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It lets me find but not replace.
I would have to go through every script individually still.

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it says ctrl + shift + h is replace all

sadly I don’t think it works

You can try this:

I don’t know if it works
or just run this on your command line

for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Script") then v.Source = string.gsub(v.Source,"text you want to replace","text you want to replace with") end end

if you want ctrl + shift + f to replace then you need to be in the beta program!