ICYMI: Experience controls test starting November 20!

wow, another terrible choice made by roblox to force their “metaverse” vision onto us developers.

this new update completely disregards any user who doesn’t use a mobile device. From what i’ve seen so far, every example of this new GUI only uses a mobile device. opening/closing the chat button is only a few extra clicks, but it will get very tedious and repetitive to do.
i have so many other complaints that almost every post here agrees with, this is just annoying to see.


Simple answer to this bad update, give us the option of which coreUI to use and let us disable ALL the CoreGui if we want


This is nice, but there is one problem that mainly affects developers:

We have no API to mimic Chrome (Experience Controls) UI

If we wanted to make our UI on the topbar blend in with the new Chrome menu, we would need to recreate the design, components, and all the other parts of it to create a seamless experience for users.

However, this is not easy to do at the moment. To even figure out how to do this, you would need to do one of the following:

  • Navigate into CoreGui and manually copy all of the style info related to the UI
  • Look into the modules for Chrome and figure out how to recreate it for ourselves.

This is not very good for us developers to do. We need an API that actually exposes something to create menus styled like Chrome. I really hope there is something for this, because the community just wants official support for this.


these forceful coregui changes give me strong incentive to re-invent the wheel to my liking, but in my own ways. this will break compatibility for sure

thanks Roblox, once again. unsatisfactory :confused:


The design is still a half-baked hot mess. The old design had a guarantee that the elements would stay at one spot, which made it easier to put my own ui elements right next to, for example, the chat button.

Now I have to unnecessarily resize and redraw the UI just because of the useless “chrome” menu that just makes it a hassle to navigate. This change is awful for both the users and the developers.

Please reconsider.


would be nice if we can hook up a custom ui for the leaderboard to work with the default roblox toggle. An api call that detects when fired, and a way to disable the default one.


The right corner is finally empty! Yay!!!


Also enable us to read the state and set state of these UI items. Currently it’s nearly impossible to make user friendly UI that doesn’t force the user to manually hide/show the chat and sometimes the playerlist to use it. If you want to have more than a few buttons, that is.


The current topbar design is awful so I’m glad they’re changing it.


I do not think opening the chat should require an extra click…


We all know how impossible that would be to implement. The list of security issues goes on.

How often do you hide/show the chat? Like, twice a day?


O yeah man, that gigantic asymmetrical empty space looks soooooo good man!

And on a serious note, those sorts of UI changes are pretty devastating yet we are being given 0 tools or any systems in order to adjust how the top bar/experience controls look and feel. Why are they so big? Why is there so much empty space between the top of the screen and experience controls? Why is the entire thing just this massive to begin with?

Honestly i would have no issues with these new design changes if it wasnt for the fact that our only options are to just make room for the gigantic experience controls (making MANY sorts of UI elements, HUD Interfaces, Menus, etc etc just look worse in the process.) and simply deal with the fact that we have to waste tons of space on nothing. Where are the tools to change how the top bar feels and looks? It’s also not helpful that said top bar/experience controls would proooobably get re-done after a while for god knows whatever reason other than some arbitrary “nah man old one sucks, we gotta make a new and BIGGER one!!!” (while never even offering new features) reasoning.
This also isn’t really a good move for older experiences that no longer get any sort of updates but i guess this isn’t an issue for roblox is it? Doubt it’s in their interest to even give a damn about anything that isn’t constantly updated.


Please make this a toggle option.

I do not want to remake my UI just for a rather bad update, that horrible asymmetrical space and overall rounded look of this. I do not like it, and I don’t want it my game, simple as that.

Development aspect aside, why the actual hell do I have to click my mouse twice in order to open the chatbox? Seriously, who thought that was going to be an intuitive or good choice.

For once respect our choices.


Security issues are something indeed, but realistically, what sort of real issue could you even cause? Remove the exit menu button? Other issues aside. I believe this is a risk Roblox would have to take. The only reason Roblox is barely growing as an game platform and game engine is because of their inability to take any risks with their developers. They always have some excuse either about some arbitrary performance numbers that make no sense considering you can make absolutely anything else to mess up performance or some arbitrary security issues based around some what if’s like “what if the player can’t leave the game because there is no exit button!?”.

There’s also the fact that roblox seems to love arbitrary magic automatic features, but this is probably just a more developed sentiment around the arbitrary “security & performance” points. Roblox should not be the ones dictating how our experiences look, feel and play like. Sometimes risks have to be taken to ensure real platform growth and not some investor bait features like “Roblox Connect” or some half functional grass length slider that somehow took 2 teams to make.


Oh dang, the little button is to the left that is REALLY nice

But can you please leave the chat button outside of that menu (and the backpack button ideally)

Or maybe if there is enough space leave it outside, otherwise keep it inside?

Still not a fan of the new design, but whatever


No, not twice a day. I close it all the time, especially in PvP games or other fast paced games where I have to have the best possible overview of what’s happening in game.

A lot of people do.

I still have to click twice to close it, also known as a waste of time.

Overall this “update” is just hot garbage, and I can safely say that 85% of people here would agree with me.


What if we do the same like in console (at least ps4) and just add a keybind to open a small menu with all CoreGUIS in a list

Another idea would be if the keybind opened Roblox menu with CoreGUIS on top.

Most games are similar, they have a keybind to open a menu with stuff (Normally “options” gamepad button or “ESC” pc button) or a button in mobile.

This would be consistent with most games (that’s what I call intuitive) and easy to access, doesn’t break the immersion and no one will (maybe) care about design.


what about if the chat autocloses when sending a chat message AND you pressed slash to open it?


In my opinion, this is a downgrade over the current UI, it just unnecessarily wastes space, adds no customizability and doesn’t even look that good.

This would be great if it was optional though as it might compliment some games.

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I agree to you, they should make for you to choose which buttons can be seen anytime, for example the chat button being separated by the other things in that menu by the user choice.