[ Idea ] Linking Two Games Together ( is it Possible ? )

is it possible to link two game together ?
and if it is would you do it ?

What Do You Mean ?

  • Linking games is like you join the first (1th) game customize your avatar
  • then you join the 2th game To earn money and do missions in open world (with your customized avatar)
  • then the 3th game to fight and buy weapons (with your Your previously earned money) and earn ranking points to use it in 1th game

Why I will share my game players and earnings ?

  • and if your game isn’t getting players or you don’t have ads .you wont need to worry because there is 2 games getting players for you already
  • you will get more players to from the other games ( More Players = More Earnings )
  • to make a bigger game world : each game will have it’s own team and each one will do what it is best in
  • will and i think it will be more fun for me as a player to know that i can use my money / clothe / Rank points in more then one game

All right… What do you think?


Are you talking about places within Universes or totally separate universes?


do you mean different places or experiences

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total separate universes/ Games/ Experiences
with Different teams for each


I think you could do it by saving and loading all the data on a server (outside roblox) using https service (im not sure if it works)


Right that was my thinking after trying https on excel
but wasn’t sure if it will work with more Experiences

If you have your excel file in a server, and the server can communicate using https service, somehow you could do it work


Yes. It’s possible, In fact it has been used before. You’ll have all the data on the server using HTTP Service each time a player joins a game, you can set their stats as the lastest stats from the server you’ve made.


do you happen to know these games name ?


I know what you mean and I want to do this too with one game being a hub where you can view your achievements and progress in all of my other games and in some games having certain things unlocked/completed will unlock areas/give items in other games.

I’ve looked into it and it’s completely possible but I’d have to go through my 100+ bookmarked topics to figure out how to again.


Exactly … i hope to see more of these games on roblox

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Games such as Daily Difficulty Chart Obby and Limited Death Obby. They share the same currency between both games.


This isn’t necessary; you could just have your own “hub place” and teleport to places from within a universe.

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but the whole point is dataStore between games

well there are many ways.

  1. You can use seperate places for the same game
    for Game1 place1 and place2 has the same datastores same with Game2

but let’s say you want to get data from place1 from place3
With the open cloud program you can create a key and using something like node.js you can create a server ro like the datas between them.

I highly recommend if the games are separate, but with teleportSevice you can access the TeleportData, which can send data between difference experience, but make sure this cannot be bypassed easily, atleast add some security.


Games on Roblox used to be named “Places” but are now called “Experiences”.

Universes on Roblox used to just be called places, but then they were named games. Now, they’re experiences, but the concept and title of places has never changed.

Hello, I viewed this yesterday and I’m coming back to this topic again. This is definitely possible and I’ve done it before. I did it about 1 year ago and I lost my backend webserver code and the module script I wrote to connect it to the server. Today I started making another webserver and rewriting the module script. I should be able to finish it today and upload the module script to roblox and the webserver open sourced on github. You’ll need a virtual private server which will cost money but there is free alternatives where you can claim a free trial and have a VPS for 2 months. You can use digital ocean free trial or linode and create a free vps. I’ll reply to this topic again once I’ve completed making it.



i’m speechless. want to reply and thank you alot but my english isn’t helping

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Hey man took me longer than expected. I’ve created a video tutorial and a in-depth write up on how to do it. If you’re a beginner I wouldn’t recommend it. When you have time though give it a test. Here is the link for it. External Datastore

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