Idle Animation Pose won't work, help please

I have trouble with this animation plugin. I want my NPC character to have a pose so I animated this into the pose I want the NPC to have.

I want to save this pose on my character but when I exit the animation plugin the character goes back into its default pose. How can I fix this? Thanks!


Rolbox Animator doesnt works how you think you can make that pose without animation you can make that pose with rotating and moving tools.

Once you’ve finished posing, open the NPC model in the Explorer and Anchor all the parts inside that model (you don’t need to do that for the accessories) and then close the plugin. There you go!

This is what happens when I follow your instructions. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

^ Solution in there

But if you want your problem answered now, use this plugin.

A GFX artist who was having the same issue as you made it, and it works.

The Animation Editor wont do that auto-pausing thing if you use it.

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Oops, I am not very familiar with this animating plugin, I use another one. I did not expect the NPC to go back into its default pose IMMEDIATLY after selecting the model.

So I tried it myself and I found a cool way to do it. Make sure you have your command bar visible. Once you’re finished with posing, paste this script into the command bar.

 for i, part in ipairs(game.Workspace.Urahara:GetChildren()) do
	if part.ClassName == "MeshPart" or part.ClassName == "Part" then
		part.Anchored = true

After that, you may close your plugin and there you go. I tried it myself!