Like a day ago, they completely changed the Animation Editor.
Everything about it is different and it’s supposed to make animating better, which is great and all…but
now…it’s sorta…impossible to use for GFX projects…
Before, you could anchor avatar poses while having the Animation Editor open. ( Shown in this screenshot of a render tutorial. )
But now, the anchor button is greyed out whenever you use the plugin at all.
Clicking off the plugin to do literality anything else just gets rid of said pose, so that’s not an option.
Right clicking on the avatar while using the editor does nothing as well…
I really don’t like the fact that they changed this while updating the animation editor, lots of GFX artists use the plugin to get started on their projects.
People may say “just switch to blender to bend limbs” but the editor is meant for posing more complex rigs like R15 or Rthro or avatar packages for example.
The fact that it’s completely useless right now makes this a huge issue in the GFX community, the only reason nobody’s talking about it right now is because it’s a new problem.
If there’s a different plugin to use or a way to anchor this without losing the modifications on the rig, please say so.