Idle animation shows running on server?

I am using a custom idle animation.

hit.Parent.Animate.idle.Animation1.AnimationId = ""
hit.Parent.Animate.idle.Animation2.AnimationId = ""

On my screen (The client) the animation looks fine, but on the server (What the server and all other clients see) it shows the default running animation when I am idle. How do I fix this?

Is the animation created locally?

No, it is created with a server script in the workspace inside of a part

If the game is uploaded to a group, the animation must also be uploaded to that group. If you uploaded it to your account, then the animation should also be uploaded to your account.

it’s uploaded to my account on my profile. I have the animation published to roblox

Actually, maybe I might need to publish it again, because I have a second idle animation that works fine on the server.

Yes, published to Roblox, but who owns the animation? Like, when uploading, it shows this:


I published it to roblox again and it didn’t work. This is strange because the second idle animation I published in the exact same way but for some reason the second one works but the first one doesn’t.

And yes it said the creator was me.

I tried changing the animation link by using rbxassetid://
I also tried exporting the animation with highest priority
But it still won’t work

Ok I finally figured out what’s happening in full detail, but I don’t know how to fix it.

-I have 2 idle animations. Idle animation 1, and Idle animation 2.

When I stop moving with Idle animation 1, the correct animation plays on my character for a small second, then on the client it changes to the default pose, and on the server is plays the previous idle animation you had. (In this case it plays the default running animation for some reason and not the default idle animation. When I changed it to idle animation 2 then back to idle animation 1, it just showed the idle animation 2 on the server.)

Idle animation 2 works fine for some reason, even though both idle animations were published and made the same way.

This is idle animation 1 (It doesn’t move):

And this is idle animation 2 (It also doesn’t move):

Ok I finally figured out what happened. Turns out I didn’t make the idle animation 1 looped.

I thought the looped option was there to test animation, and I thought the humanoid animating script would loop it for me, but I was wrong.