I was testing out something I saw from Bloxy News, and put a UGC in my Advanced setting. Roblox gave me it and I didn’t even buy it.

Expected behavior
Not for it to work? The item shouldn’t be able to be given for free.
A private message is associated with this bug report
This issue allready got resolved i think after 30 mins of being up.
I can still do it, aswell as every other friend of mine.
They can literally sell a 10,000,000 robux hat that they don’t own…
Could you show an screenshot of your inventory so i could verify?
I seriously have NEVER bought this.

Also, the screenshot above isn’t me. it’s my friend. They’re able to sell it now as it’s IN their inventory
i did ask for a full screenshot out of your inventory not from your Profile view.
Apologies! Here you go. Some reason it doesn’t show in the inventory, but says I own the eyes.
This is craazzzzzy, multi-billion dollar company here.
Also why tell them come on?
It’s really dumb now. People can sell the dominus and other roblox exclusive things for nothing

They don’t know that, they just found it out.
Now I wanna do it, but I could get banned so nah.
You’re supposed to search to ensure that there isn’t exact duplicates of the thing you’re reporting, see How to post a Bug Report
Its not in your Inventory only on your profile… also let´s move to the following main Topic like @Quackback already said: Avatar Editor "Advanced" Section Allows Equipping Any Item.
Thank you for reporting this issue. Our engineering team has resolved the issue. Kindly let us know if you are still encountering this issue.