IK Controls are now out of beta!

Accidentally used the wrong arm while testing out gun grips, turned dummy into helicopter

This is fun though :smiley:


Pole targetā€™s donā€™t really work with a spline of bones, its mostly for 2 bone things like elbows, knees and stuff like that.

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Kinda looks like that if you try to use position for R6 rigs, it just sets the position to the part that your trying to use IK on to nan, nan, nan.


Wow thats so cool also thank you roblox engineers!

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another bug is that if you die while having IK controls on, your game/studio crashes. yikes.


the roblox 2023 redmemption arc


Does this have support for mixed rigs like I asked for in testing? The Bone-Motor mixed rigs that is


Finally! Would love to see more games using IK and pushing it to and beyond its full potential.


woah this is amazing! i cant wait to use this for my characters


Finally, before I mention anything, this is a GREAT idea by roblox. Lots of people need this and finally your adding it. Thank you so much.


how would i be able to do this with the head?

Iā€™ve been testing with this on my game, using it for making characters better look at where they are facing (1 IK from the LowerTorso to the Head targeted at a location they are looking)

-and it consistently crashes every single client + server window when the game ends, still trying to figure out why.

Edit: It was due to people dying while having IKControls active in the humanoid, removing them on death seems to fix it. Could have been my ragdoll script or something.


I didnā€™t even know there was an IK controls beta - this is awesome to see

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Is it just me or does the weight property not really do anything useful? Any value over 0 and it just snapsā€¦ I would expect it to not affect the animation at all at 0, and gradually increase until 1, like AnimationTrack weight works.


I can agree, it doesnā€™t really do what itā€™s supposed to.


Just what I needed for my VR game! Time to add a full body character.

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Sort of, itā€™s used for ā€œliveā€/procedural animation and intended to be used along with animations by using a ā€œbest guessā€ approach. For example, guessing how an arm should be bent at joints in order to keep a hand attached to a part. Your issue still is using inverse kinematics but I would guess that itā€™s a separate issue exclusive to the animation animator and should make a bug report.

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how many poles can you use on it? just 1? Also any stress testing, will we be able to make hundreds of these without performance issues?

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Thank you! Currently they donā€™t work for R6, since for chains with a single bone itā€™s almost always impossible to find a solution, but weā€™re experimenting with a few possibilities of how to make them look good with R6.


Yes! We still have work to do and features to add to it, weā€™ll announce when we publish new features! Weā€™re currently working on the solver that runs behind the scenes so it produces more natural poses by default.