IK Controls are now out of beta!

I’ve seen the docs before, would love to see it explored via a video tutorial


Super excited to get to use this in real work!!


This is definitely gonna be cool to see with physics in games!


NO WAY I was about to ask about it on the original IK beta post. YESS I’m so happy, seriously one of my favourite releases in a long time. Thank you for your efforts sg3cko, it will not go unappreciated!


Not 100% sure whether or not it would work but have you tried setting the pole property to an attachment or part below the tube/arm?

Wow, I was messing with the properties and then roblox studio crashed.
I was able to recreate this error multiple times too with & without beta features enabled.
It seems to happen when creating IKControl instances in the humanoid (R6) on the client while set to position mode and then resetting your character.

IK test.rbxl (59.9 KB)

local character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
local humanoid = character.Humanoid
local ik1 = Instance.new("IKControl")
ik1.Name = "LeftSteer"
ik1.Parent = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
ik1.Type = Enum.IKControlType.Position
ik1.EndEffector = character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm", true)
ik1.ChainRoot = character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder", true)
ik1.Target = workspace.SteeringWheel6.LeftHand

local ik2 = Instance.new("IKControl")
ik2.Name = "RightSteer"
ik2.Parent = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
ik2.Type = Enum.IKControlType.Position
ik2.EndEffector = character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm", true)
ik2.ChainRoot = character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder", true)
ik2.Target = workspace.SteeringWheel6.RightHand

(I’m on an intel mac if that helps)


I I was really waiting for this! thank you.

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Interesting. I don’t see what purpose that would serve other than perhaps pivoting relative to the limb’s joint attachment, which can be accomplished numerous other ways. I’m curious to know if you are aware of any other use cases for IKControl on R6?


That is a programmable property and not a visual one!

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Thank you guys for making a feature like this possible! It will help alot with development and making realistic stuff!


Are you sure this is intentional? The documentation (albeit outdated) does include a Pole property in the list. I don’t see why they would remove it between then and now.


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I actually have no idea, from my own experience using it, I only have it available through code!

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Thats so great one it will change roblox alot thank you for hard work

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How would R6 support work in this case?

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Wow, i was trying to figure out FABRIK for a while but i just couldn’t get it. This might be one of my favorite updates

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Question: do IKControls replicate from client to server? Like, if I handle them from a local script, will other players see the animation?

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It wouldn’t make sense if they didn’t. So many use cases would be destroyed if it doesn’t

I dont think the properties do, if you set them client side, but the movement itself does.

Finally! Alright, time to test it out later on!

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but one of the purposes is also to anime with it, right?
If that is the case, then I’ve been having this issue during, and after beta (now). Not sure if this is purposely done or something else.

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