IKControl Weight property not performing as intended

IKControl is out of beta, and, according to their documentation, the Weight property determins whether the instances in the chain are fully animated by the IK, or are blended between the animation of the IK, or animations already running.

The IKControl doesn’t seem to stop the default animations. I have a rig set up to run an animation that has no left arm or right arm animation data, but instead is controlled by IK. The IKControl for both the left and right arms are set to 1, but they are still running the core animations (idle, walk, run, etc.)
Is this a bug? How can I fix this?

I think this is a bug. Been having this problem too. Tend to go for a manual approach to rotate the motor 6d on the script instead.

But, yeah won’t be switching anytime soon until this is resolved.