Illegal Teleport Destination Is So Annoying

I’ve made a game using universes however I want people to be able to play with friends. I have a system where you can teleport to your friend’s server and it works. Problem is, if you and your friend are in the same PlaceId, but different servers, you’ll still get an illegal teleport destination.

Could you fix it so that people can teleport between servers? It’s insanely annoying when this happens because you get booted out of the game and then need to rejoin. Seems really broken to me.


That sounds super annoying. A really terrible idea that might actually work would be to teleport them to some sort of blank map first, and then teleport them back to the place. I’d almost look into other solutions though first before trying such a thing.


The most likely reason why there’s an illegal teleport destination was to fix the glitch where multiple instances of one player would add up in the total players online. If you remembered that time when a bunch of random game popping up on the popular page with some reaching above 10k+ players and were all 1 player servers was a script that kept teleporting the players into the same game.

They need to allow people to teleport to the same place, between servers. That’s how channels work.

This would work but it’s a huge workaround. They should be able to fix this without me going to extremes…

They need to allow people to teleport to the same place, between servers. That’s how channels work.[/quote]

This was actually possible, before the duplicate teleport glitch outbreak. Then they added that ITD.

That would make sense.

They seriously need to fix it and not pull a duct tape fix on the problem. Either that, or someone should update the wiki page noting that the server instances feature is severely flawed.

The game has 2500 people playing right now…which equates to 25 PMs an hour requesting me to fix the “Illegal Teleport Destination” bug.

Rukiryo, this is your problem right?

I tried teleporting to the guy after the guest in the last server, with this code:

ts = game:GetService'TeleportService' ts:TeleportToPlaceInstance(4008009, ts:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(34029071) ,game.Players.Maelstronomer)

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[quote] Rukiryo, this is your problem right?

I tried teleporting to the guy after the guest in the last server, with this code:

ts = game:GetService'TeleportService' ts:TeleportToPlaceInstance(4008009, ts:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(34029071) ,game.Players.Maelstronomer)

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No. It teleports you, then disconnects you from the game with a red error at the top saying “Illegal Teleport Destination”.

[quote] Rukiryo, this is your problem right?

I tried teleporting to the guy after the guest in the last server, with this code:

ts = game:GetService'TeleportService' ts:TeleportToPlaceInstance(4008009, ts:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(34029071) ,game.Players.Maelstronomer)

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No. It teleports you, then disconnects you from the game with a red error at the top saying “Illegal Teleport Destination”.[/quote]

So sometimes, the join request gets accepted, but during joined you’re rejected.