I'm making an Open-World simulator/tycoon game!

I’m currently making an Open-World simulator game similar to both “Lumber Tycoon 2” and “Bee Swarm Simulator”. This game will be heavily focused on exploring different biomes/zones of a huge mountain. Another big part of the game are vehicles which you use to progress. (I won’t reveal the main idea/gameplay loop of the game just yet…)

I’m trying to make this game as high quality as possible with the help of a few other developers.

Do you have any interesting suggestions to add to the game to make it so that the players could never get bored?

Here are some pictures that best represent the game:

Most of the map is still unfinished in these pictures

Leave your guesses on what the game is about below. I want to see if anyone manages to guess correctly!


will it have like building that you can build anywhere but if not the idea still seems very cool


it will not have building. I feel like it doesn’t fit the game

Wait what? This actually looks really cool! It does indeed gives the feel of a vast map, really hope to see how this project goes.

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Looks really cool! Best of luck!


Maybe you could add some sort of lore to the game? You could start off simple like notes on a park bench or a piece of NPC dialogue, if you have that, and work your way up over time, or you could make it so as you progress within the game you find out even more key information that eventually leads up to a huge event.

I know not every game works with secrets and lore, and some games don’t because it just ruins it the game. But it’s something to think about.

Purely your choice.

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that actually sounds really cool. instead of just stepping on buttons to build walls and floors for money or something, you can format the layout of your own tycoon.

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Like a city builder?
This is great as is allows for more freedom for the player to build their own structures, which results in the game standing out.

You could add onto that and make a PvP and/or PvAI mode with units, and then you have an RTS in Roblox tycoon format. Bit of a wild idea and it’s probably very difficult to both script and design due to world generation and the player controls, but if the player control design is well thought out, it can work and be one of the best games on Roblox for sure.

the game isn’t intended to be a “stepping on buttons” tycoon. It will be more similar to “Lumber Tycoon 2” but without the base building. (kinda similar to Bee Swarm Simulator)

the game will have lore/secrets :eyes:

@PinguinulKaboom i’m very interested in your games idea, could i private message you on discord?

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So will you be able to build anywhere?

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The game will not feature building in its first (“Early access”) release. It will be more like a simulator game

For what reason would you like to talk on discord?