ImageColor3 for Decals and Textures

This should for the most part be self explanatory: Allow recoloring of decals and textures similar to that of Image* guis.


This would help so much with custom water

Related: Texture-like tiling for image guis

It’s an easy feature to add, but like everything with roblox, they’re too involved in making half their users angry with all their new updates that change everything, than to do small addition like this, that everybody wants, but isn’t a priority for them

But weeve they recently added gui.ImageColor3 so it’s probably possible

Yeah, just use a SurfaceGui with ImageColor3.

I don't know what exactly you are doing, but hopefully lighting won't be an issue because SurfaceGuis ignore lighting since its rendered differently. I might try to write a function which gets the Color3 value of a world coordinate by evaluating the lights and brutally guessing what the light value of the voxel is. However, that would be a major challenge, considering how many factors there are to lights. It would make more sense if Roblox added a method to the lighting called GetLightVoxelColor(x,y,z), which returns the color3 value of that lighting grid location. Orrrrrrrrr they should just add a property which makes surfaceguis get shaded based on the lighting <_>

Inefficient workarounds are no long term solution. SurfaceGuis will work for flat bricks, sure. But they’re expensive (ineffifient) to use and don’t conform to CSG meshes, which is what brought this suggestion to mind.

Can we please get this? I want it for my textures on my meshes.

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I think I can add this, I’ve already got it implemented so as long as it is approved it will be added.

Here is a preview:



:smiley: I’ve wanted this for a while.

Just enabled Decal.Color3.