ImageLabel/Button Property Request!

ImageLabel/Button Suggestion:

  • Property; TileSize; UDim2 (xs, xo, ys, yo)
  • Enum.ScaleStyle; Tile

This feature request is to add the property TileScale to the ImageLabel/Button object and the enum Tile to the ScaleStyle property. This property and enum would allow an ImageLabel/Button to act as just like a Texture object but measuring in pixels instead of studs (that’s a given though). To have this feature available would be very convenient for those of us who would like to add textured backgrounds to our guis without having to replicate multiple ImageLabels to get a texture effect.

Please help support this request by liking the post and/or giving your input as well. Let’s make this feature request happen!


I think ‘Tile’ would be a better name, as repeating textures (what the Texture object does) is often called tiling.

I suggested something similar when ScaleType first came out almost a year ago.

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I agree, I will edit from texture to Tile, I also gave yours a like, I really want this to be a feature for us :slight_smile:

The tl:dr version of OP:
This feature would allow ImageLabel/ImageButton objects to be like the Texture object.

+1 support from me, would make great use out of this If it supported ClipsDecendants + ClipsDecendants while being rotated.

@zeuxcg (I think you’re the one who does ui/client?)


I truly need need this. Support

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I’d love to see this in Studio!
100% Support!

I want it to be TileOffset and TileSize, and it shouldn’t be its own ScaleType. The values should be UDim2 and they should default to 0,0,0,0 and 1,0,1,0 respectively.


Yes please

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that actually sounds a lot better, as an intern are you able to make this happen?

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Then add a property to make SurfaceGuis respond correctly to lighting and such, and then we can deprecate Decal and Texture objects

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SurfaceGuis (what I think you meant) require more resources than decals/textures, so they’re not really a suitable replacement. Though, I really wish they had all the properties that GUIs did – they’re lacking quite a few.

When cm32 tears the breaks out and forces the entire idea. Yeah I wanted to input this into the request as well, but I thought it’d be to much at first haha. This would make things a lot easier.