Immersive Ads Not Functioning

Immersive ads have stopped working about a month ago, and you can no longer view analytics for them. These issues started in parallel.

Reproduction Steps (In-Game):

  • Insert an AdGui and configure it correctly.
  • Play the game through the client.

Reproduction Steps (Website):

Expected Behavior
I expect Immersive Ads and the AdGui to work properly in-game and be able to see analytics, or at least be notified of a reason why the tab is not visible.

Actual Behavior
Immersive ads inserted never serve ads to the user. The tab to view analytics is gone, and there is no notification or reason why.

Issue Area: Website, Engine
Frequency: Constant
Date First Experienced: 2023-08-09T07:00:00Z


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!


I havent seen an actual ad on these billboards in months. Surely something is broken…


Hi @SubtotalAnt8185, thank you for bringing this up. There are a few things happening here so let’s see if we can help.

  • Earnings you’ve made from immersive ads will be paid out to you in full even if you’ve lost access. Payouts are distributed on the 25th of the following month
  • Image Ads have much lower ad demand compared to portal ads, that’s likely why you haven’t seen image ads being served
  • Based on your resubmission of the EG survey, it seems that your experience is now ineligible because of the age rating. We are working hard on expanding publisher eligibility to all experiences later this year so please stay tuned!

I see. Since that is the case, is there going to be a warning message for experiences that are not eligible for immersive ads?

What is/are the current age rating(s) where immersive ads will be displayed?


I think this issue may still be occuring, I implemented two image ads into our game about 3 weeks ago, and haven’t seen any ads on them, nor does the immersive ads section of the create page show any data beyond 0.

I followed all of the steps as per the developer hub documentation and can confirm the fallback images are visible in game, suggesting that the issue is itself with Roblox?

Would like to see some update on this as we’re talking about financial components.


Regarding this, Does Age Rating affects on immersive ads eligibility? It seems to be working but its not showing analytics or I do not get payout for immersive ads.