Immersive Ads Publisher Learnings and Insights

Hi Developers,

First off - I’d like to give a HUGE thank you to you all for diving into our document and for not holding back in the comments – we’ve been soaking it all up! Your unwavering enthusiasm for Roblox does not go unnoticed, and we’re wholeheartedly thankful for the support, understanding, and curiosity you continually bring to our community.

In our dedication to improving transparency, here are some responses to the vital points you brought up in the comments:

1. Retention in the Publishing Experience: Our report focused on the impact of immersive ads on user retention within the publisher experience (where the ad is served), not the advertiser experience. Initial findings indicate that these ads do not deter players from returning to the experience where the portal ad was shown. This is encouraging news, as it suggests that the immersive ads do not negatively impact retention of the publisher experience.
2. Positive Early Results: We are pleasantly surprised about the positive results of the experiment, yet cautiously optimistic that it’s early days and these metrics may fluctuate. We will be sharing future installments of this document and adding more reporting in the Creator Dashboard to help you make informed decisions.
3. Upcoming Features/Updates: Anticipating the future, several updates slated for the coming year will include:

  1. Enabling experiences compliant with Experience Guidelines to become immersive ads publishers.
  2. Enriching publisher reporting with “Return Rates” and additional metrics.

4. Revenue Share: Despite our decision to not disclose specific revenue share earnings - given their dynamic nature, influenced by supply and demand variables - please know our ultimate aim at Roblox remains to maximize payouts to our developer community.

Please keep the feedback and comments flowing - we’re listening! Thanks.


This isn’t acceptable and just confirms to me that the percentage cut Roblox takes must be so bad that they’d rather sacrifice transparency for their own pockets.

Based on the minimum CPM and CPT roblox is charging on their ads manager;

  • Minimum Cost Per Teleport

  • Minimum Image CPM

and the revenue we recieve;

shows me that Roblox is taking over a 95% cut of immersive ad revenue, this is unacceptable and unfair.

Clearly not if Roblox is taking a 95% cut of earnings.

This goes directly against what is said earlier;

No, the number one thing that should be added first and foremost is Minimum Payout Settings for developers, I’m not willing to let brands/roblox get away with sending my users away for such pathetic rates.

I don’t even get why this post was made, this doesn’t add anything new to the conversation, nor answer any of our questions and is just a repost of the original topic. :man_facepalming:


Isn’t sharing the amount of money you are keeping the bare minimum you can do in regards to transparency? I understand there are complexities involved but that doesn’t give you a valid excuse to just not even attempt to provide at least some revenue share data.

As @OutlookG more eloquently states the data we have suggest Roblox is keeping a very large majority of the cut. ‘Trust us that we are paying you fairly’ isn’t going to cut it.

If you truly want transparency, I urge that this data is shared. Otherwise, I don’t think anyone is going to take Roblox’s stance on transparency seriously.


Is apple is one of the companys that is in the image or video ads?

Don’t forget about the ad pricing ‘float’ mentioned in the earnings call before the most recent one.

Also hopefully the requirements/restrictions will be clarified too in terms of who will get to use immersive advertising at the jump and what they are allowed to advertise.

I imagine these issues are part of why disclosure is a bit opaque right now but I can understand why.

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Something I don’t get about in-game image ads or billboards is this: even if a player sees it and wants to play the game on the billboard, the game is new and has no players so even if you search the exact title, it will not appear, as I have seen with the first game I made and as SwitchedDreams has said.

Overall, I am guessing that these billboard/image advertisements in-game are for major brands like Sega and many others who have enough money to not even bother buying advertisements from smaller games or bigger games that do have a big enough user base for image ads that they show up in search, unlike other games which are filtered out because they are assumed to be a game with no gameplay which Roblox does not want to show up in search, and, so, are meant for the biggest, most popular games and are not meant for new games trying to find a player base.

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I would like to see more technology ads like Apple ads on the immersive ads the most.

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