Import animation doesn't support importing from ID well

Importing animations from their ID is a cumbersome process with the new import window. This also happens with the animation export window.

Previous window behavior:

  1. Click “Import Animation” in the animation editor
  2. Import window opens
  3. Paste animation ID in text box in corner and press import
  4. The animation is loaded!

Current window behavior:

  1. Click “Import Animation” in the animation editor
  2. Import window opens
  3. Set the animation owner in the dropdown
  4. Paste the animation ID in the input field
  5. Delete the animation ID and force the window to load all the animation entries
  6. Paste (or type in) the animation ID in the input field again to find it
  7. Select animation and import
  8. The animation is loaded!

This flow is really disruptive to the development process. Expected behavior is pasting an animation ID and being able to import it immediately (if you have access). This has begun happening with the refreshed layout.

Here is a video of the current window behavior. In this video, the animation ID I pasted is an animation called “Dive”, can see that it doesn’t show up until I force it to load everything.

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This current behavior is a bug and we have a fix on the way to address it. You shouldn’t have to delete and then re-paste for the thumbnail to appear once the fix goes live.

Despite this specific bug being resolved making it slightly easier to find the Animation by not forcing developers to paste their Animation ID twice, it doesn’t adress the unnecesary need to select the Asset Owner before supplying an Animation ID. Many developers like myself have “Edit group assets” permissions in more than a dozen group, and sifting through them before being able to select the animation is quite bothersome.

Asking developers to select the owner of the asset first is unnecesary and gets in the way of a streamlined workflow. If I am supplying the Animation ID I already know exactly which asset I am looking for. Forcing me to go through layers of UI just worsens the experience of using the animation editor.


Thanks for bringing this up. I’ve seen a few requests for supporting direct import by ID again and am talking with design on getting something added back in. Apologies for the inconvenience.


When do you think the direct import by ID will be added again? I’ve been trying to import my animation from one group and export to the other, but it doesn’t load due to no direct import ID.

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It is currently nearing the end of design approval. I should be able to start implementing the change sometime next week. However, I would expect the behavior you want to still be doable…

Did you change the group/owner category in the dropdown before pasting the ID into the filter box? Also, please make sure you are on the latest version of studio since a fix was rolled out Wednesday for some faulty behavior of the filter box.

Yeah I did use the dropdown category feature, but for some reasons it doesn’t load up still or sometimes it takes a few minutes to load up, i’m also on the latest version of studio.

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