Impresso Espresso - Frequently Asked Questions
This section covers some of the frequently asked questions we receive. If your question is not addressed in this guide, please contact an available Medium Rank or High Rank for further assistance.
1) How can I become a Trainee?:
To become a Trainee, visit our Application Center and answer the 10 multiple-choice questions in the interview setting. If you score at least 7/10 correct, you will pass the quiz and be automatically ranked as a Trainee. You can then start attending our training sessions to begin your Barista career with us!
2) I have safechat enabled. Can I still apply for the Trainee position?:
Yes, you can! We allow those with safechat to apply for a rank at Impresso Espresso.
3) What are the times for hosting training sessions?:
Training sessions are held daily, except on holidays (e.g., Christmas), at specific times. Please refer to the Session Schedule for detailed training times: The Session Schedule can be found here.
4) Are “aesthetic” clothing, specific usernames, or Robux requirements for promotion to Staff Assistant?:
No, this is not true. We never consider these factors when determining your eligibility for a promotion!
5) As a current trainee, what steps should I take to advance in my current rank?:
You can earn promotions by attending and passing trainings up to the rank of Senior Barista. Once you reach Senior Barista, refer to the Promotion Guide for detailed information on advancing to Staff Assistant.
6) Having been a Senior Barista for some time now without promotion to Staff Assistant, what actions should I focus on to increase my chances of advancement?:
Assuming you’ve read the Promotion Guide, it is recommended that you work behind the counter as much as possible and personalize your interactions with customers. This can include using a unique, appropriate greeting and assisting lower ranks in learning about Impresso Espresso. Additionally, avoid frequently asking about the Staff Assistant position, as it may come across as desperate and significantly hurt your chances of promotion.
7) I passed the quiz but have not been ranked as a Trainee. What should I do in this situation?:
If you pass the quiz but haven’t been ranked to Trainee, it likely means the automatic promotion bot is offline, or currently down. In this case, contact any Chairman or above to inform us of the issue. However, due to the automatic nature of the Application Center and high demand, you will need to wait for the bot to be online and retake the quiz.
8) I completed my training successfully but was not promoted. What should my next steps be?:
If this happens, try to contact the staff member who passed you as soon as possible. If you cannot reach them, contact any of our High Ranks about your situation, and we will look into it as quickly as possible. The best way to contact us is through our communications server, which can be found in our group, or linked on all of our facilities.
We hope this guide has answered many of your burning questions! If not, feel free to contact any of our admins for assistance.
We look forward to seeing you at our games very soon!
Approved and Written by the Impresso Espresso HR Team.
This Frequently Asked Questions was last updated July 16th, 2024.