Improve Sponsor / Advertisement

Here’s some perspective before any changes were made to the system;
for 20k Robux you get 36 million impressions
and today you only get 3 million impressions for the same amount

I’m really sad to say that the Sponsor system devolving by the day with these changes

None of these changes has truly improved how the Sponsor system works, and I say this confidence because it is easy for anyone to see

Before Updates to Sponsored Experiences we usually get about 1800 Impressions per 1 Robux

however with the recent changes we only get 150 Impressions per 1 Robux which is a huge decline despite Roblox having more daily active users. That’s less than 10% of what it was

I really wonder how you manage to ruin these statistics despite the platform’s rapid growth

Roblox needs to improve the Sponsor system, it is a feature WE CREATORS PAY FOR

I think we can all agree that it is unacceptable for us to get much less impressions for the same or/ and more amount of Robux while the platform has more users, none of this makes any sense and I question what kind of work went into making these poor decisions



1833 Impressions per 1 Robux

After Update 1

200 Impressions per 1 Robux

After Update 2

140 Impressions per 1 Robux

Roblox needs to work on a way to bring impressions back to what it was or more because this kind of decline is unacceptable, people spend a lot of money to get their game off the ground and today spending 20000 Robux which is worth more than 200 USD get’s your game nowhere!

This makes me feel like Roblox doesn’t want new games to flourish and wants already popular games to remain on top, this feels very anti-competition and anti-innovation

I’m disgusted


New Sponsored Items and Updated Ad Audiences
Updates to Sponsored Experiences


I honestly don’t see the problem here. In the Before Update you got 800 clicks for 3K Robux and in the After Update you got ~950 clicks for 1K, that’s 3 times better.

About After Update 2, I agree it clearly had a problem because you only got 1 visit from it, that’s not normal (maybe Roblox was down).

I would like to know why impressions are so important to you, from my understanding clicks and visits are way more significant, but maybe I’m wrong.


Impressions are important, but clicks and visits are the most important, cause sometimes it snowballs, as when more people play your game and play longer, it may get higher on the top of the search. Also, players may invite their friends.

Update 1 had the best stats in my opinion, highest clicks and CTR. And simply put, I don’t think the first sponsored ad was “good”, and the last one was decent.

Also, to my knowledge, impressions could also go down because more people were putting more Robux in both age groups, causing impressions to go down, but not drastically, and I think ROBLOX only pushed the second update to avoid any legal trouble (but they were not personalized ads, so I don’t know why they did it).


@GuySalami @TomazDev

Lower impressions equal lower converted players as seen here

with the following formula

impressions x conversion rate = visits

3600000 * 0.05 = 180000 before

300000 * 0.05 = 15000 after

even if we boost the conversion rate

300000 * 0.1 = 30000

300000 * 0.5 = 150000

if you still don’t believe me you should read feedback from here


Uh, I don’t know if I’m missing something but your sponsor had 51x the conversion rate after the first update? Not 10x as much as you used in your calculations (0.05 → 0.5), but 51x (0.003 → 0.153).

After the first update, a third of the Robux gave your game over 60% more visits. I don’t think impressions matter at all in comparison to visits, considering the fact that the whole point of a sponsor is to get visitors, not impressions. In that way, the update seems to have helped you significantly. However, It’s possible that your first sponsor, the “Before” image, had a much worse conversion rate simply because of the quality of that specific sponsor. But that still wouldn’t cause a 51x difference.

It seems that sponsors have become vastly more efficient, rather than less effective. Which means Roblox would give ads to users that are more likely to play, and less ads to users who won’t play, which overall is a great change.

Regarding your sponsor after the second update, did you forget to make your place public? 1 visit for 142k impressions is extremely irregular.

If I’ve gotten something horribly wrong then please correct me, but I don’t think these changes are critically damaging to sponsors.

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Probably because your audience is very limited to who can play it.

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  • The “Before” as shown in this post is when sponsors’ impressions where being calculated wrong. They were counting an impression every time the sponsor arrived to you, instead of you actually seeing it. That’s why there is 5M Impressions out of 799 Clicks.

  • The After Update 1 is when Roblox finally decided to track impressions better and they eventually count it as one when the sponsor eventually shows on your screen and you are able to see it. This update didn’t had an impact on ad’s performance other than the data displayed to us which is more accurate.

  • The After Update 2 is the one that had a huge impact on all ads overall which limited developers from reaching half of the Roblox’s audience who are kids. This means that you will be getting half impressions now according to Roblox compared to before. (Though from the examples shown he kinda got more than half and what is concerning is the small amount of people that clicked compared to before.)

Kids would click anything and that’s probably why he got more clicks before with the same amount of Robux. However, you are able to see less now because a lot of older people don’t click on ads that much.

Another downside is that the ad system depends on who bids the most and there are now companies, groups with a lot of funds (the are more now because Roblox has grown a lot in terms of audience), people who literally have a bunch of Robux who spends it in whatever, etc. More competition now exists between people trying to reach half of the audience of Roblox who is 13+

Someone who owns a popular game can literally spend 3M+ Robux on one ad, because is literally some cents to them, making the others show less.


I think ROBLOX is implementing in-game advertisements to balance this change, hopefully. Some studio bug leaked it (Your game is not eligible of in-game advertisement beta)

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Unfortunately not! It’s pretty clear, although one would disagree that the <13 community was more likely to click on a sponsor than a 13> or 17> (even harder), as I still imagine they also play more trending games / front page and not an unknown sponsored game (the same applies if the game is +13, I’m sure the CTR will not be the best).

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Okay, so impressions went down, but look at this

1 robux = 10 impressions
2.471% CTR though That’s amazing!
Notice that this is on mobile and tablet. PC usually has way more impressions and much lower CTR. The CTR is just a fraction higher than your sponsors before example:

This update really hasn’t changed much IMO. You may have to change marketing strategies (such as more mature icons and thumbnails) to keep up with the times.

I’m going to bump this, for it’s more relevant than ever. :confused:

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I hope to see the ability to delete old campaigns because right now the ads manager is turning very messy very quickly with old completed campaigns taking up a lot of space, especially considering it covers every single game all at once. It becomes very cluttered for us developers that have several games at once.