Improve Voice Chat Moderation for Verified Adults in 17+ Games

As a Roblox Developer, it is currently too hard to:

Use voice chat in 17+ games without receiving unnecessary bans for saying common, non-offensive words or phrases such as “damn,” “Minecraft,” “drunk,” “vodka,” “crap,” etc. These bans disrupt gameplay, make it difficult to hold conversations, and create frustration, even when players are following the expected guidelines for a 17+ environment.

Describe the issue:

Roblox’s voice chat moderation filters are overly strict, even in 17+ games where mature language and conversations should be allowed. Words and phrases that are not offensive or explicit often result in temporary bans. This forces users to rejoin games, disrupting the experience and discouraging use of the feature.

As a developer of a 17+ game aimed at older audiences, I’ve received numerous reports of players being banned for harmless phrases. I tested the system myself in a similar game and was banned five times in one hour, with one ban requiring account reactivation.

Examples include:

  • “Minecraft and Roblox feel like virtual hell” (5-minute ban)

  • “Damn, that avatar is ugly” (5-minute ban)

  • “Oh, do you mix that thing over here with the vodka up top?” (5-minute ban)

  • Didn’t say anything. (5-minute ban)

  • “If I drink that, I’ll be drunk” (account suspension; manual reactivation)

These bans lack context, as Roblox does not provide clear feedback on what word or phrase triggered the filter.

Additional examples reported by players:

  1. “My dog is messing up my couch.” (5-minute ban)

  2. Speaking in a Scottish or Irish accent. (5-minute ban)

  3. Singing “Firework” by Katy Perry. (5-minute ban)

  4. “You won’t win the minigame bro, you’re so cocky” (5-minute ban)

  5. “Why do you act drunk all the time? hahaha your character is dead on the floor” (account suspension; manual unlock)

  6. (says words in an Scottish or Irish accent) (5-minute ban)

  7. “This whole statue over here is fucked, and the nose is tilted sideways” (5-minute ban)

  8. “Gohan o kudasai” (“I need rice” in Japanese; 5-minute ban)

This level of moderation erodes trust in the platform’s ability to provide a space for adult players. It also creates the false impression that developers control the filter, leading to blame and frustration directed at game creators.

No other platform that verifies users’ age implements such restrictive moderation for adult-focused environments. If you’re legally an adult and verified, the platform should trust you to engage responsibly, rather than undermine its own player base with overly strict and automated restrictions that contradict the purpose of 17+ experiences.

As a developer, I should not have to fear account suspension simply for turning on my mic to speak with other adults in my own experience. Nor should I have to risk losing income or a creative avenue due to a voice filter that provides no context or clarity about what triggered the restriction.

How this improves Roblox:

  1. Enhances the experience for verified adult users by reducing unnecessary interruptions.

  2. Encourages more engagement with voice chat, improving social interactions in 17+ games.

  3. Strengthens Roblox’s reputation as a platform accommodating a diverse player base, including adults.

Path Forward:

Implement a more lenient voice chat moderation system for verified users in 17+ games by:

  1. Adjusting filters to align with the expectations of a 17+ environment, allowing mature but non-offensive language.

  2. Providing clear guidelines on what is allowed in voice chat for 17+ games.

  3. Allowing users to re-enable voice chat in-game after a temporary ban, rather than forcing rejoining.

  4. Adding transparency to bans by specifying the flagged word or phrase and its context.

If this issue is addressed, would it significantly affect your development experience?

Yes, addressing this issue would improve both player satisfaction and the developer experience. Players would have fewer disruptions, and developers would not be unfairly blamed for platform-level issues beyond their control.

Additional Context:

Roblox has already taken steps to create spaces for older players (17+ games). Improving voice chat moderation in these spaces aligns with the platform’s goals of fostering a cohabitable virtual ecosystem. These changes would create a better environment for adult players while maintaining safety standards.


Related post that hasn’t been addressed in years nor has any staff member commented on it. Despite being a consistent and inexcusable platform / feature flaw: Voice chat moderation : Moderation reason needs to be given when banned from voice chat


Thank you SanJay! It’s such a relief to see this being laid out so clearly. Moderation on 17+ experiences has been ramped up so much that it’s really taking away from the experience for everyone.

I understand why there isn’t an 18+ category, but 17+ honestly feels more like 13+ with how overly moderated it is. The vague rules leave everyone frustrated, and it seems like Roblox keeps them that way intentionally just so they can interpret them however they want and avoid having to justify their decisions.

Reading this post gave me the idea to add a rejoin feature that saves the player’s state and reloads the game. It’s kind of like how AFK lobbies work and could really help keep the immersion going for our players.