Improvements To DMCA system

Got this email after a couple of months.

They lied…nothing was removed at all. And this was my own stuff.


Nah bro trust, they removed it :fire: :fire: :fire:


What do you mean? Are you saying that you can still see the items on the website?


Yes, the links still work. They straight up lied.

Try deleting the asset from your inventory and see if the link redirects to the catalog


Omg it works now. That’s kind wierd. I also tested it by opening the links in incognito mode before erasing them. Ty!


yeah, the assets only appear for those who own it on the main website. For those who don’t own it, its doesn’t appear on the website. Links to it will just redirect to the catalog.
It does appear as well on the Creator hub, but that might not matter.

I have no idea why Roblox hasn’t said anything regarding this and is leaving it to us to figure out.


I think they’re trying to phase out the special emails and simply rely exclusively on roblox-support. And, from the lack of reply in over a month (I just sent another email), whatever they’re doing to forward these emails isn’t working. I don’t understand why they don’t just let us delete 2D clothing items.

Not really sure where to go from here other than pray my account of almost 11 years isn’t deleted the next time I log in.


I agree. Something is definitely going on. I used both the Copyright Agent and IPCotent_Removal_Request and sent some more items over to be archived several weeks ago and have not received any reply at all.


I had sent an email literally a YEAR ago about having content removed, and I think i had sent it to, but a year later I get terminated on my main account for one of the items that was on that list! They asked for proof via a ticket but I don’t HAVE one considering they never even opened or replied to it to give me a ticket in the first place. Its just frustrating and shady how they handle this.


Just and only to ip_content_removal?


Copyright agent got back to me 3 days after I sent them a list of items I wanted archived, promised to get it done in 30 days, but it took 8 months to get anything done. While doing my research to figure out what do I looked through the Dev forums to see who I should contact. To my understanding was the first email to use then they switched to

Roblox should really look into your case because you sent your list of content it to someone to have it removed and you have no ability to do it yourself.

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Another one that really frustrates me about this DMCA thing,

Remember when Roblox wiped the website of all copyright audios and said it wouldnt count against your account? Well a year and a half AFTER that, I apparently received a strike for an audio i assumed was wiped due to the initial wipe from Roblox themselves. I didn’t re-upload it, it was just on the site before and after they did the wipe, and because they forgot about it they decided to punish my account for it. If they checked the date for half these things, or atleast gave us an honest notice to attempt to remove certain things we CAN control beforehand, this wouldnt be as big of an issue as it is today.


That’s really weird. I never uploaded any audio myself and never intend to because I’m not that kind of developer as well as the massive mess the whole audio situation.
That really doesn’t sound fair.
Roblox told you one thing, but did something else.

What had me surprised is that the audio situation has a much louder push back than the people calling the ability to archive for 2D Clothing Assets. Classic Clothing is among the oldest features on the site, but hardly anyone seemed to be aware that we had no power to delete anything.
So for a while, until earlier this month, this was the situation on the Dev forum:

That’s why this new development in archiving clothing has people still sceptical.

What does archiving even mean if its still possible to get a strike for them?


Every strike i’ve received, which is unfortunately just 3, has been classic clothing made more than 8 years ago. Ive been on the site since 2010 so that’s been a lot of things to try to catalogue to have removed. It’s just frustrating that ive been dealing with this since last October on my main account and I haven’t been able to get through to anybody about how absurd this situation is.


How did you initially find the ip_content_removal email and were you aware of the Copyright_agent email at the same time or before? Did ip_content_removal ever get back with “this email is no longer operable” message or something?

I’ve been emailing Copyright Agent repeatedly for updates and they’ve been responsive to the emails, but stalled on actually executing the request until April 9.


I just came across it by one of the forums on here a year or two ago. I had zero idea that the Copyright_Agent email would work for that request too. The ip content removal email NEVER got back to me, they didnt even email with a “this email is no longer operable” message, just not responded to at all.


It’s so frustrating and confusing because on the ticket I have open, that’s been open for almost a month, its just had that generic message saying that they’ll follow up once their “reviews” are completed. Like it shouldnt take that long.


Yup. That’s one of their canned messages. Something is going on behind the scenes.
Everything the copyright agent says is vague. This was when I was catching on that it was taking a lot more than a month to process my request:


Bumping! Right now there’s little to no tooling or transparency on how to get these possible DMCA items removed from our inventory. Hoping Roblox will add something to help regulated this issue and stop people from being wrongfully terminated.