Improvements to Play Solo load-time [Beta]

Yeah, the most similar thing we have nowadays to that is the RetroStudio’s place editor, where you may get disconnected randomly and there would be that topbar (also scripting is bad quality there). but it still looks like 2015-ish studio.

Good to see people actually storing pictures from old studio, properties menu, toolbox, topbar (i never had that topbar :skull:), and the fact that the window looks like w7 :person_shrugging:.

That is definetly true, I don’t have any ideas on what to say, but that’s indeed true.


Gonna drop this here, as it’s unfortunately making any gains from this beta mostly moot (from my testing):


the current ribbonbar is a godsend frfr

also i was bored and was able to date that screenshot to october 2009-november2010 going by the presence of the materials, trusses, and the default font being changed


I find this interesting. Are you able to go into what was optimized to allow this to be an improvement?


That’s like believing your ping is amazing in Play Solo since both the client and the server are running on your machine. Since studio is an emulation of a game environment and not a live server, it’d be rather foolish to assume it’s an accurate representation of a live server’s network conditions in any capacity.


Does this improve also Local server (2 players) in Studio?


Any improvements to the loading times of anything in studio is welcome, especially with starting/stopping a solo test.

i have adhd, so i tend to change my focus whilst waiting for the test to load, and my loading times can be quite long. so i usually forget what i was doing and have to spend time regathering my place in the development. so if solo tests could one day be instantaneous without fail, that’d be appreciated. but every step that gets us there is appreciated as well


pushbox.wmv (1.0 MB)

the box’s movement stays completely serverside for the first 30-60 seconds of a game running, then it starts working normally


it’d be awesome if we could get the old f6 test mode back in addition to this :pray:


I am forever grateful to all of the developers at Roblox who made this happen. Thank you. Genuinely.

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This is very cool. Very fast. It would be better if it were instant.

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Yay! I remember back in the day play solo load time was so fast. No loading screen, it just took you in. So glad they’re going back.

This is great! It does make me wonder though - is there any way to manually stop plugins from loading in play solo? I have lots of plugins but there are only a couple that I’d ever use while testing, so it’d be nice to be able to disable everything else if that would make a difference.

Also I’ve just noticed I can’t use the draggers while testing now, would be nice to be able to toggle those independently of everything else.


This is awesome! It’s very nice loading into my Studio version of our game at a faster rate! It may only be a few seconds faster, but it feels a lot faster and it just feels better. (And no, this is not sarcasm, I genuinely like this update :slightly_smiling_face:)


Little late to the party here, but this is really great! Just tested it and you can see visible improvement. Another win from Roblox in my book. :coffee:

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Woah, This makes solo tests better…

This breaks Entry Point, i can no longer play this.

Nothing in the universe can happen instantly. Optimization is not magic, so they won’t be able to so easily make things even quicker.

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might be. if it was, roblox could add check if that specific asset is loaded so no reloading.

God this is amazing!
This reminds me of when back in the day was used for a lua play solo script, was super slow.

Amazing speed!